twelve | no tears left to cry!

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TEARS SPRUNG TO her blue eyes at the sight of the weak, beaten up boy lying on the bed in front of her

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TEARS SPRUNG TO her blue eyes at the sight of the weak, beaten up boy lying on the bed in front of her. What did the poor boy do to deserve this? Would the parents be punished for the horrible things they have done?

They had arrived at the hospital. Sydney and Bill were waiting in the lobby. They had all waited about an hour until the doctor had said they could come in

His broken glasses were set on a small table next the hospital bed. He had one black eye and a bruised lip. Not to mention all of the bandages wrapped around each of his arms.

Her heart leaped as she saw his eyes flutter open, and she held her breath as he looked at her.

A small smirk etched itself onto his blood-stained lips. "Hey, doll."

Arianna smiled. "Richie!" she walked up to his bed and quickly sat down next to him on the empty chair that sat there. "Are you feeling okay? Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine, love, thank you. The doctors gave me contacts, cool, right?" Richie said in his hoarse voice. "Nevermind, my throat hurts, water would be nice."

"What's with all of the names? Doll, love?" Arianna smiled.

"Just a few names to describe you, that's all." He blurted out.

He must be under some type of medicine.

Or maybe that was just his usual self.

Arianna smiled and stood up, going to fetch him a water bottle from a vending machine. She came back and found a small plastic cup near the sink. She poured water into it then handed it to him.

As he drank the water, Ari could see his eyes wince a little. Once he finished, he set the empty cup down next to him on the bed.

Arianna watched him and a grin grew on her lips, happy to know that he was safe in front of her and his parents were arrested. But thats when it hit her.

His parents.

"Richie?" She started, and her voice got caught in her throat for a second as she remembered the previous events that led up to them being where they are right now. "What... They... How could they do that to you?" She asked quietly.

Richie ran a bruised hand through his hair. "I don't know, I probably deserved it anyway." He said, sadness trailing his raspy voice.

Arianna furrowed her eyebrows. "What? No, Rich, don't say that."

"No. They were right. I'm just a big garbage bag of nothing." Richie said, his voice quivering a bit. "I'm just a big, wimpy, nobody. I'm only a nobody, Arianna."

"Richie, don't..." Ari trailed off, tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm just a big, dumb, stupid, freak."

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