four | flashes!

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“SYDNEY, DO YOU want to talk about what happened back there?" Arianna asked, watching her sister as she sat on her bed, completely still as she stared at the wall in front of her

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“SYDNEY, DO YOU want to talk about what happened back there?" Arianna asked, watching her sister as she sat on her bed, completely still as she stared at the wall in front of her.

It kind of freaked Ari out.

Sydney shook her head. "I'm fine." She spoke barely above a whisper.

Arianna didn't say anything, only examined her older sister's expression. She knew she most definitely wasn't fine. Arianna stood up from her bed and walked over to Sydney's, sitting next to her.

"You sure?"


"C'mon, tell me." Arianna gently spoke.

"Ari, I don't-"

"Friends don't lie." Arianna interrupted, and Sydney's face softened a bit.

When the girls were younger, they made up the saying because they never liked it when they lied to each other or when the other twin was sad at the other.

Sydney shakily sighed. "Arianna... something strange happened today. At Ben's house." She slowly spoke, staring at the floor.

"Go on." Arianna spoke, studying the girl's facial expression.

"When Ben was telling us about the research, I... saw something."

"Saw what?" Arianna quietly asked, looking her sister in the eye.

Sydney's dark brown eyes slowly slid to Arianna's from the wall she was previously staring at. "A clown." Her quiet voice said.

"A clown?" Arianna repeated, slightly furrowing her eyebrows.

Sydney shakily nodded and looked down at her hands. "A clown."

Arianna tried to imagine what her sister could have been talking about, wondering if it was the same they both had just seen.

"It, It was so weird. It seemed real, but it didn't." She looked up at her sister. "Do you understand?"

Arianna thought about what she had said and truthfully shook her head. "No, I don't."

Sydney sighed quietly. She wasn't annoyed at her sister. She was just so confused about everything that was happening to her.

She couldn't fully explain it. "It was like... flashes, or something like that."


Sydney nodded. "When Ben told us about the townspeople going missing, I - I saw some horrible things."

"What things?"

"I saw, people. People, that were dead. T - There were bodies everywhere... but it was weird. They were all scattered in the sewers? A - And the clown had blood on his chin and cheeks and... he had the most evil laugh. And it told me that I was going to float, but I didn't know what that meant." Sydney explained in her quiet voice. "A - And then I saw... us."

"Us? Why us?" Arianna asked, fear starting to settle in her stomach.

"I - I don't know. B - But we were all there, fighting it. A - And worst of all,
I think I saw Bill's brother."

"What? Brother?" Arianna furrowed her eyebrows.

Sydney nodded. "Last year, Bill's little brother went missing. Nobody knows how. Stanley told me at the quarry." She explained. "But... I think I know how."

Goosebumps popped onto Arianna's pale arms like a wave crashing onto a shore, so she rubbed them and crossed her arms. "Sydney are you sure-"

"I'm sure." Sydney nodded. "Do you believe me?"

Arianna hesitated. She didn't know what to believe. She placed her hand on her sister's shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Yes. Yes, I do."

Sydney sighed in relief. "Thanks."

"No problem." Arianna grinned, Sydney grinning in return. But all of a sudden, Sydney winced and squeezed her eyes shut, feeling a sharp pain shooting through her head. She cried out in pain and grabbed her head.

"Hey - you okay? What's going on?" Arianna asked in fear. "Sydney! Sydney, calm down!" She grabbed her arms and shook the girl, though her hands still clawed at her head, her hands tangling in her hair.

Sydney cried out again, before breathing quickly in fear. "The - The - thing, the -"

"Sydney, what? What?" Arianna asked in panic, figuring that her sister was seeing the flashes again.

Sydney cringed as her eyes were still closed, and she slowly started reaching out for the air in front of her as an eerie silence filled the room. "There's... there's a little boy. He's," she paused as she seemed to be trying to see what he was doing. "He's running from something."

Arianna's eyes filled with concern. "Running from what?" She asked.

Sydney reached around with stretched arms, trying to feel around her.

Arianna watched her, and looked down at her hands as they started to shake in fear.

Sydney's jaw slowly dropped, and she started to frantically point in different directions, as if something was running around her. "The clown is - it's seeing him!" She cried.

"Seeing the boy?" Arianna asked, noticing sweat dripping down her sister's forehead.

"B - B - Blood!" Sydney cried out, and breathing heavily as her hands were still reaching out everywhere. "There's blood everywhere!" Her voice started to quiver.

"And what's happening?" Arianna asked.

"It's getting him, Ari!" Sydney cried, and she gasped as her jaw dropped. "No!" She suddenly screamed, shaking her head frantically and her eyes shot open, and she fell back on her bed and started gasping for air.

"What happened?!" Arianna asked, grabbing her shoulders.

Sydney's eyes were wide, and she only sobbed as she fell into her sister's arms.

"C'mon, you have to answer me!" Arianna said.

"The clown - it got him!" Sydney sobbed as her voice quivered. "It made him float!"


"Ed Corcoran!"

• • •

authors note-


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