seventeen | final battle

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"OH SHIT!" EDDIE yelled and clutched onto Ben's arm, staring at the horrific clown that was sitting in front of them.

The clown sprung up, still in a seated position, face to face with Bill as it's eyes slowly made their ways back to their regular spot.

"Kill it! Kill it, Bill!" They all started screaming at their stuttering friend.

"It's not loaded..." Mike muttered, coming to a realisation that Bill had used the last bullet to kill his 'little brother'.

Bill sucked in a breath, angrily looking at the clown and putting the gun to his forehead.

"Kill it, Bill!" They all screamed at him.

"Hey, it's not loaded!" Mike yelled at him, but was interrupted by Bill pulling the trigger.

A crack formed in the clown's head, resulting in it making a weird sound, before It threw it's head back. And, at that moment, the clown was angry, thrashing it's arms and looking down at the kids with orange eyes.

The kids all ran different ways, the clown lunging onto Bill with razor sharp teeth. It tried biting his face off, but Bill held it back, the only thing separating the razor sharp teeth and his nose was the flashlight.

Bill threw the clown off him with all his might.

"Leave him alone!" Beverly yelled, not wanting to watch one of her best friends get eaten, and she held up a medal rod to stab it in the clown's face, but the clown only giggled and grabbed it, making Beverly freeze.

"Beverly, no!" Ben screamed, and Mike came and kicked It in the face.

The clown shook the dizziness away, but then instantly looked at Ari, showing all of it's teeth.

"Oh fuck." Arianna muttered, awkwardly waving at the clown.

The clown then lunged at her, but Arianna was not able to move a muscle, even if she wanted to.

"Ari!" Her older sister yelled for her, but Bill jumped onto the clown's back, holding the flashlight against It's neck, making Arianna suddenly able to move again.

As the clown tried throwing Bill off, Richie threw himself on Bill's back and held the flashlight with him, the thoughts of the clown getting his somewhat girlfriend being his determination.

But after only a few seconds, the clown threw Richie off it's back, and Richie landed on the cold ground with a hard thud. The clown grabbed Bill by his shoulders and flipped him, so It was cradling Bill in It's arms.

All of the kids froze, and Arianna ran to Richie, crouching behind the boy as she put her one hand on his shoulder, for he was only a few feet away from the clown, and she didn't need the clown to grab him, too.

"Bill!" Sydney yelled, tears starting to fall down her face.

"Let him go!" Beverly demanded, her voice shaking as she told the clown.

"No! I'll take him! I'll take aaall of you! As I feast on your flesh and feed on your fear!" The clown said, grinning widely.

The kids all fearfully watched as the clown caressed Bill's head as Bill squirmed in It's arms, trying to get away.

"Ooorr," the clown then lifted a finger in the air, "you'll just leave us be. I'll take him, only him! I will get my long rest and you all will grow and thrive and lead haappy lives! Until old ages take you to the weeds." The clown finished, still holding onto the stuttering boy that was trying his best to get out of it's grip, but then gave up.

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