eighteen | trashmouth & gorgeous!

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"BUT, WHAT EXACTLY did you see?" Ben asked Beverly, who slowly looked away from him.

They all sat on logs in a circle in a field by an abandoned train track, talking.

"I could only remember parts," Beverly started, explaining what she saw while she was floating a week ago down in the sewers, "I thought I was dead; at least that's what it felt like. I saw us together, back in cistern. We were older; our parents' ages."

"W - W - What were we doing there?" Bill asked, curiousity lacing his innocent eyes.

"I just remember how we felt; how scared we were. I don't think I could ever forget that." Beverly finished, looking down at her hands.

They were all quiet, confused, trying to figure out what that exactly meant.

"And what about you?" Stanley spoke all of a sudden, looking straight at Sydney. "What happened?"

"What do you mean?" Sydney quietly asked, nervous about what he was going to say.

"When you literally dropped the clown down the well with no hands." Richie piped up.

Sydney looked down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers.

They all looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

"I," she started, "I don't know. It all seemed to happen so fast. When he looked at me, I immediately got a flash. For once, I didn't see the clown murdering somebody else." She said, still looking at her fingers on her lap.

"Who did you see?" Eddie slowly asked.

Sydney looked up at him. "Me. I was standing alone in a field, and I kept hearing that stupid giggle of his ringing in my ears, it was so loud. And I remember starting to scream, scared out of my mind. Next thing I knew, I suddenly woke up, but this... raging feeling came over me. It was like I was so angry for no reason - well, I guess I had a reason, since I was so tired with the clown trying to attack my friends."

"And then what happened?" Mike asked.

"What happened next felt like this sudden instinct," Sydney said, still fiddling. "I wanted the clown to freeze in it's place so I could do what I was going to do next, so it happened. I knew how to. I... started choking him, I knew how to do that, too. I knew I had to get him down the well, so that's what I did. But there was just so much anger coursing through me that it all happened so quickly and at those moments, it didn't occur to me what I was really doing. Then, when he finally fell down the well, I couldn't believe what I had just done. I'm confused like all of you, but only part of it makes sense to me." She finished, putting her sweaty hands on her knees.

The teenagers were quiet, taking in everything the girl said.

"So... you're telling me that you have some awesome fucking powers?" Richie bluntly asked.

Sydney only looked at him. "I guess so?"

To break the long silence, Sydney spoke up again. "Ari?"

Arianna slightly jumped, squeezing Richie's hand in the process. "Yes?"

"Back at Neibolt," she started, "after Sonia took Eddie to the hospital, when Mike asked what you saw in the room you were trapped in, you said it was best to not be spoken of. Do you think maybe you could tell us now? You don't have to if you don't want to."

Ari's blue eyes went wide, and flickered over to the hand she was holding. What she saw back in the dark room was truly terrifying. "I will."

"Are you sure?" Ben asked.

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