seven | bruises!

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“GOSH, ARI.” SYDNEY sighed.

Her heart broke in pieces as she scanned the now cleaned bruise. The color was starting to turn into a mix of blue and purple. Arianna looked at the bruise with pure hatred in her eyes as tears flowed down her cheeks, her chest trembling and her wrists that held her shirt up shook as she sobbed and sniffed.

After their dad had walked away, the twins hurriedly made their way up to their room, locking the door and crying into each other's arms. After about two minutes, Sydney insisted to look at it, which Arianna had allowed her to look and clean up. Now that it was cleaned, they were both examining it in their mirror.

"Look, I'm sorry he did that to you." Sydney apologized as they moved from the mirror and to their beds, facing each other.

"It's okay. I was stupid enough to stand up to him like that." Arianna sadly responded.

"Well, it was pretty badass." Sydney smirked softly, making Arianna chuckle a bit and wipe her tears.

"Thanks." Arianna sniffed, realizing what she wanted to do next. She stood up from her bed and went to the hooks by their locked door, getting her thin grey sweater and throwing it on.

"Where are you going?" Sydney asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Arianna spun around after putting on slippers. "Sydney, can I go out?"


"To meet Richie, cause I - can I just - I want to talk to him." Arianna stuttered, since her sister was giving her a funny look and wiggling her eyebrows when she mentioned the name of her crush.


"Will you be okay staying alone?" Arianna asked her sister. "With dad being here, and your flashes..."

"Yeah, I'll keep the door locked. I'll even move the vanity set in front of the door." Sydney joked, but actually meant it as she got up and started moving the vanity set to cover the door just in case. "And the last flashes usually lasted around two to three minutes. I'll be fine."



Arianna sat down on the cliff, looking down at the quarry below her feet. She shuddered as the cold wind whizzed past her, and she cuddled more into her jacket, staring into space, starting to think. What did I ever do to deserve the way my own father treats me? Where was my mother at the moment? Why didn't my own mother ever care to help me or Syd?


Arianna turned and looked behind her, seeing Richie jumping off his bike that wasn't even stopped yet. He quickly ran towards her, crouching behind her and hugging her from the back, resting his chin on her right shoulder.

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