six | anger and monarch butterflies!

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"THANKS, GUYS, BUT you really shouldn't have done that." Mike sighed as they all trailed in a huge wheat field. "Now Bowers will be after you, too."

"Oh, Bowers? Yeah, he's always after us." Eddie waved him off, trying to wipe the grin on his lips. He couldn't believe that they had finally taken down the Henry Bowers.

"Guess that's o - o - one thing we all have in common." Bill smiled.

"Yeah, homeschooled." Richie piped up, tearing his eyes away from Arianna's butt. "Welcome to the Losers Club."

Arianna turned around, now walking backwards as she faced Richie. "What about me?" She joked, pouting her lip. "I believe me and Syd haven't gotten a proper welcoming." She playfully spoke in a British accent.

"Gorgeous, you've always been in the club." Richie smiled his dorky smile and winked.

"Hey, hey, hey, what about me?" Sydney shouted from the front of the line, not bothering to turn around to look at Richie.

"Yeah, you too." Richie said in a sarcastic manner, and chuckled as Sydney lifted her fist in the air and flipped him off.

Arianna smiled before jogging to catch up with Richie, walking side-by-side with him.

"Dude, that was awesome."

"What was awesome?"

"My wife can kick ass." Richie joked.

"One, I'm not your wife. Two, heck, Henry deserved that. He shouldn't be doing what he does." Arianna shook her head. "It's wrong."

"One, yes you are. Two, giving his dad a bj?" Richie joked, earning a rough shove from Arianna, causing him to wince and grab his left side.

"Woah, Rich. You okay?" Arianna asked, and concern laced her voice as she immediately felt bad for shoving the boy.

"Oh, uhm, yeah, yeah, it's just - I got hit with a rock, that's all." Richie quickly made an excuse. "It sure knocked me good." He let out a nervous laugh, but his smile dropped as Arianna didn't laugh. The boy silently prayed that Arianna would drop the topic.

Arianna furrowed her eyebrows at his words and studied his facial expression. He was obviously lying. "Okay." She slowly spoke, but she was determined to find out the truth.

The teenagers both looked up to see that they reached the street where they left their bikes thrown on the ground - well, everyone's except for Stanley's.

"See you guys tomorrow?" Ben asked as he placed his hands on his bike handles, and they all nodded.

"I'm getting a ride from Bill." Sydney told Arianna, and Arianna smirked and nodded, wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh, shut it!"

"Okay. Have fun, but don't have too much fun." Arianna mocked Sydney and Beverly from earlier, making Sydney roll her dark brown eyes and walk up to Bill and his bike.

"Want a ride, gorgeous?" Richie called out, already scooting up to leave some room on the bike.

"Sure, why not?" Arianna sarcastically  replied, starting to walk toward the boy. He smiled and got off of his bike, holding his hand out in a playish manner.

"M'lady." He giggled in a British accent, before bowing. Arianna laughed and ruffled his hair before doing a playful curtsie.

"Oh, what a kind lad you are." Arianna went along with the British accent, giggles escaping her pink lips. Richie giggled and grabbed her hand, helping her onto his bike, then got on himself and started to pedal away.

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