eleven | the day the stars crashed down!

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( warning - disturbing imagery )

“I’LL BE THERE.” Arianna said, hanging up the phone and putting it back on the retriever. Richie had called her asking if she wanted to hang out at his house since his parents weren't home.

But first, Arianna needed to know if her dad was asleep. She crept down the stairs, trying to listen for a sign of her dad. She heard the sound of the television on, and she heard her dad's snores. Thank God he was asleep.

Arianna ran to her room, swinging the door open to find Sydney and Bill in their room, laughing about something she didn't care about. They immediately stopped laughing, and looked at Arianna, who awkwardly stood at the door. They awkwardly stared back.

After the fight, none of the losers stayed in touch, except for Arianna and Richie, or Bill and Sydney and Beverly. It just wasn't the same.

Arianna tore her blue eyes away from them, walking to the closet to get her jacket. She slid it on and walked out of the room without saying anything. Arianna stood there for a second, getting ready to sneak out. After a few seconds, she started quietly walking down the hall, now thankful for the carpeting.

She walked down the stairs quietly, peeking around the wall and looking at her father, who was drunkenly lying on his recliner with an empty beer bottle in his hand. Arianna rolled her blue eyes. Typical dad, right?

"Jonathon, I'm gonna start cooking, would chicken be alright?" Her mother suddenly called, and Arianna's heart leaped as she heard footsteps from the back of the house coming, where her parents room was.

Arianna's eyes widened, knowing that her dad was going to wake up any second now, and there was a good chance her mother would catch her in the act. She quickly put her hoodie on and started speed walking to the entrance hall, where she could quickly slip into a closet if her mother caught her.

"I was hoping for something better than just chicken, but I guess." Arianna heard her dad rudely respond. Another typical thing. Arianna had a mini heart attack as she heard heavy footsteps start coming her way, too.

Arianna didn't think before sprinting to the front door, unlocking it and closing it behind her before sprinting off the front lawn, out of view just as her mother looked out of the window.

She kept running for a few seconds, scared that if she stopped, somebody, more specifically her parents, would catch her.

After fifteen seconds, panting heavily, she stopped running and shut her eyes, trying to catch her breath. "Gosh..." she breathed out, putting her hands on her knees and continued trying to control her breathing.

Once she caught her breath, she looked up and smiled as she saw Richie's house. She put her hands in her back pockets as she walked up to the front lawn, but she stopped walking as she heard a faint sound.

It sounded as if somebody had let out a cry for help.

Arianna stayed as still as she could so she could try to make out a sound, and her blue eyes widened as the sound erupted again, only louder, and she quickly figured it out.

A cry for help.

"Richie!" Arianna sprinted to the front door, taking two steps at a time when she reached the porch. She quickly grabbed the door knob and tried opening the door, but couldn't. When she heard glass crash inside of the house, she let out a cry of frustration and panic.

This is really happening.

"Oh my gosh. Richie, hang on!" She took a step back from the door and ran her fingers through her hair, trying to think of what to do. Running back to her house and getting Sydney and Bill would take too long, and nobody was outside to get help.

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