thirteen | bright orange eyed freak!

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IT HAD BEEN about a whole week since Richie had been released from the hospital. Richie was staying with the neighbor who helped them out before he could find out where he was staying.

Arianna was reading a novel in her bedroom, as Sydney was doodling in her notebook on the carpet when the phone on the desk inbetween their beds started ringing.

Sydney looked up at the phone, then at Arianna, as if she was telling her to answer. Arianna furrowed her eyebrows and leaned over, picking the phone up and bringing it to her ear.

"Hello?" She answered, and Sydney watched as her sister's blue eyes widened, and Arianna immediately hopped off the bed, balancing the phone inbetween her shoulder and ear, grabbing her shoes and starting to put one on.

"We'll be there." Arianna quietly said in a fearful tone before grabbing it and putting it back on the receiver.

Sydney raised an eyebrow, but knew by the look of her sister's face, just what was happening.

"It got Bev." Arianna told her, then started putting her next shoe on.

Sydney slammed her notebook shut and hopped up off the ground. "It? What are you-"

"It, Sydney," Arianna had finished putting on her shoes and stared at her sister. "It got Beverly."

Sydney's eyes widened, then she hurried to where her shoes were and threw them on her small feet, thankful that her hair was already in a ponytail.

"We need to go, then." Sydney quickly walked up to her bedroom door, terrified that she would get a flash at the moment and not be able to go and save Beverly on time. She quickly swung open the bedroom door, only0 to be face-to-face with her father.

Her father quickly pushed past his daughter and slammed the door behind him, taking off his belt.

"Dad, what are you..." Arianna froze and trailed off, knowing exactly what he was going to do. She stood still on the carpet and gulped, flickering her blue, wide eyes from her sister to her tall father.

Sydney backed up against the wall, and their father's head snapped toward her, and he rushed up to her.
Arianna watched in fear, not being able to move. Why can't I move?

Her older sister whimpered as the man stopped a few inches in front of her, getting in her face. Sydney's eyebrows furrowed as she looked into his eyes, noticing something was off.

Instead of the normal dark brown eyes that he had, they were replaced with bright orange ones.

He grabbed onto her shoulders and threw her to the ground, and Ari watched in horror. He climbed on top of her, not seeming to notice Ari was even there.

"I told you to stay away from that Denbrough kid, I fucking told you." He growled into her ear, making her frantically look up at Ari, who didn't know what to do. No way could she stand a chance against him.

She panicked and hurried to Sydney's bookshelf, grabbing onto the biggest book there was, and slowly crept up behind him in fear.

"You think you're so slick, sneaking with that disgusting freak." Mr. Taylor told her again, breathing quickly as he held her down by her arms and legs.

Arianna jumped as she saw something move out of the corner of her eye, and she saw Bill standing at the doorway, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

"He's not a disgusting freak, you are!" She spoke, staring up at the man's face in fear. "Not once were you ever there for me, or cared for me, but he did. Bill's always there for me and cares for me, unlike the worst dad anybody could-" Arianna heard a loud smack.

Her father had slapped her sister across the face.

"Syd!" Bill said, and just as their father's head snapped around to look at the stuttering boy, Arianna had rammed the huge book into his head, making his grip loosen on Sydney's arms and legs.

"Hurry!" Arianna waved at Syd, and Bill pushed their dad off of her so Sydney stood up and grabbed onto Bill's hand, and they all started running out the room just as their dad's eyes opened again.

"C'mon!" Arianna looked back as they started running down the stairs and gasped as their father had came into view from where they once were.

"Oh shit, c'mon!" Sydney whimpered and they rounded the corner, hearing their father's steps behind them.

They ran into the living room and were almost out when they saw their dad enter the room behind them. The only things separating the maniac and the three kids were a recliner and a coffee table.

"Don't you dare take my babies away." The man growled at Bill, his breathing quickening.

Bill only fearfully looked at the man, before grabbing onto both of the sister's hands. "C'mon!" The three teenagers started sprinting toward the front door.

"Come back!" Arianna's eyes filled with tears as she heard her father's voice, but she didn't care. Where's my mother at this point?

As they entered the front hall, he was about ten feet away from the kids. They sprinted down it, and they ran as fast as they could out of the already-swung-opened door, and they ran into the street as their dad stopped at the front door.

"Shit!" He screamed. "I'll be waiting here, just you kids wait!"

Arianna's heart raced as they continued to run away.


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