one | richie!

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"NO WONDER YOU don't have any friends!" The girl's blonde ponytail swung as she spoke to the red haired girl, the stall door being the only thing to divide them.

"What is it, Greta?" A voice that spoke like smooth silk said from inside the dirty stall. "Am I a slut, or a little shit? Make up your mind."

Arianna smiled at the sound of the girl standing up for herself. There was one thing Arianna hated, and that was bullying. She believed that people should treat others the way they wanted to be treated.

"You're trash." The bully's blonde ponytail swung behind her as she began to take steps back from the stall, a smirk growing on her bubble gum-stained lips. "Guess we'll just have to remind you."

And the events that followed after made Ari's blood boil. Arianna shockingly watched two other girls drag a trash bag full of some type of a liquid and poured all of it onto whoever was in the stall. Arianna clenched her fists at her sides as she felt her ears steam.

The girls all burst into laughter, seeming to enjoy what they had done. "Let's go, girls." The bully told her friends and they all started walking past her, but Arianna put her arm in their way and stood in front of them.

"What the heck is your problem?" Ari asked, furrowing her eyebrows at the girls.

The bully only let out a laugh and turned her head to look at her friends. "Do any of you see a problem?" Her friends shook their heads in response.
The bully turned her head back to the brunette who was confronting them. "Oh, that's right - my only problem I've got is the bitch standing in front of me."

Arianna's jaw slightly dropped, letting a small chuckle out in disbelief. "How dare you speak like that? And, what you did to that girl," she gestured toward the stall, "was wrong!"

The bully ignored what the brunette said and only thought of how good she'd look in their group of snobby, stuck-up teenaged girls. "Oh, you're that new kid from science? Yeah, last period."

"You are completely ignoring the reason why I'm even talking to you!" Arianna squinted her blue eyes. "What did that girl do to you?" She asked again, demanding an answer as she crossed her pale arms.

The bully let out a laugh again. "Listen, honey, I don't think you understand. You see, that girl in there, is Beverly Marsh. She's the school's biggest slut, so I'm treating her like one. Somebody's gotta show her what happens to tramps like her. I'm Greta Keene. This is my school; I own it. I can do whatever the hell I wanted."

Arianna couldn't believe how Greta was speaking about this so-called 'Beverly'. Girls are supposed to be kind and support other girls; not bully them. "I don't see your name anywhere, Greta," Arianna spoke, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "You're not so popular yourself, considering I didn't even know who you were before now. Did you, uh, write your name yourself on the wall with your crayon to convince yourself you were better than everyone? Or-" She sarcastically spoke, but froze when Greta slapped her cheek.

"Come to me next time when you can fight - you seem to be all talk, newbie." Greta smacked her gum loud into her face and that was all Arianna needed to hear before she had had enough.

Before she realized what she was doing, Arianna shoved the girl on her chest, making Greta fall to the ground. Greta gasped, her blue eyes looking up at her friends in shock. Arianna's jaw slowly dropped as well, for she was never the type to throw a punch at somebody, but she chuckled to herself with surprise, trying to hide the smile that grew onto her lips.

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