fifteen | smells like shit to me!

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"GUYS! ARIANNA, SYDNEY, Mike!" The boys are screamed different things as they heard Mike's pain cry, knowing something was very, very wrong

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"GUYS! ARIANNA, SYDNEY, Mike!" The boys are screamed different things as they heard Mike's pain cry, knowing something was very, very wrong.

"Bill! Guys!" Sydney screamed, her grip tightening on the rope, not taking her brown eyes off of Henry.

But Henry only smirked and walked towards the older twin, making Sydney quickly back away from the well, and for him to grab the rope and throw it to the ground besides Mike.

Mike looked up from the ground once he heard the boys yelling at Bowers from the well, one hand on his injured back. It was like Henry was in some sort of a trance.

"Bowers..." Ari quietly and fearfully said, backing away from him slowly. "What the hell happened to you?"

Henry looked up at her and only smiled a sinister smile. "Once I'm finished with him," he gestured the bloody bar towards Mike, "it'll be your turns."

He walked towards Mike, and the twins fearfully looked at each other.

As he started to say hurtful things to Mike, Arianna remembered that she had the nailed bat gripped in her hands, and she knew that there was no other way Mike would be saved.

Ari locked eyes with her terrified sister, both of them knowing what she was to do next.

Henry said some mean things to Mike about his dead parents, which only made the twins want Ari to do what she was to do even more.

She slowly crept up around him, the nailed bat gripped in her shaking hands.

"Sad," Henry continued, not taking his eyes off of Mike as he slowly walked up to him with the bar still in his hand, "that I couldn't have done it myself." That's when Henry suddenly lashed at Mike, but Arianna swung the nailed bat at his back with all her force to protect her friend, and Henry cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

Mike looked up at Ari and struggled to stand on his feet, Sydney running to him and helping him up.

Henry groaned and looked up at Ari with angry eyes, making her blue ones go wide.

"Oh shit." She whispered to herself.

"You little bitch!" Henry said, wobbling onto his feet.

"Arianna!" Richie screamed up from the well. "Are you okay?!"

Henry looked at Ari and chuckled, then leaned over the well and looked at the boys with his sinister grin. "She won't be any longer."

Richie looked up at him and started to lean out of the hole they were in, Bill and Eddie having to grab onto him so he wouldn't tumble down the well. "I swear, Bowers, you - you don't touch her - shit!" He screamed, starting to grow helpless since there was no way to save his girl.

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