sixteen | only just got started!

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"WAIT!" BILL CALLED to who he thought was his little brother, trying to keep up with the little boy in the raincoat. The little boy then disappered into a door, which, of course, Bill followed.

Bill walked through the doorway, stopping at his feet for his green eyes to look around. He was in a large, dark room that had huge piles of children's toys and clothing everywhere he looked.

He shook his head, knowing he had to follow his brother. He started walking again, only to look up and see somebody floating in the air.

Beverly. She wasn't moving, only stiff as she seemed to stare up at the ceiling. She had to be at least ten feet into the air.

Bill ran up to her and stood under her, trying to jump up and grab her ankle. When he immediately failed, he knew he needed some type of a boost.

He spun around, his eyes immediately landing on a stool in front of one of the huge piles of toys and clothes. He grabbed it, but just as he did so, his head snapped up to see the little boy in the yellow raincoat run behind the other side of the pile.

Bill hesitantly looked from Beverly to where the boy once was, then set the stool back down. "I'll come back for you, Beverly." He said, then started to run to where the little boy was leading him.


"Bill!" The kids all called out. "Bill!"

"Bill!" Eddie screamed, who was leading the group, only to trip on something in the trashy water they were walking in and fell, making a loud splash.

"Ah shit, man!" Richie scrunched up his nose, pulling Arianna away from the trashy water that flew everywhere due to him falling into it.

"Dude, get up!" Ben told him, patting on his back.

"Hurry up, man!" Mike said, starting to grab the small boy under his arms to pick him up.

"Wait!" Eddie quickly said, starting to dig around under the water, but they wouldn't have it.

"That's grey water!" Mike said.

"Hurry, we have to find Bill and Beverly!" Sydney said.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Eddie's high pitched voice quickly said. "Where the fuck is my flashlight?!"

As if on cue, a bunch of dirty skulls popped up out of the water, and all of the kids started screaming.

Eddie grabbed his flashlight and screamed, Mike and Richie pulling him up, and they all stepped over the skulls, trying to get to Bill.


Bill made his way to the other side of the pile, only to be met with a well. And behind the well, was the boy with the yellow raincoat.

Bill quietly stood there, the flashlight shaking in his bony hand. He couldn't believe that he was looking at his deceased brother. "Georgie?"

The boy slowly and quietly walked around the well, and about ten feet away from the nervous boy. "What took you so long?" The boy took a step closer. "I couldn't find my way outta here. He said I could have my boat back, Billy."

Bill sniffed, a sad smile forming on his lips. "Was she fast?"

'Georgie' took another small step forward. "I couldn't keep up with it."

"She, Georgie." Bill said, looking down to the ground. "You call boats she."


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