five | my girl!

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"I NEED TO show you guys something." Beverly tried to catch her breath as she placed both of her hands on her knees.

"What is it?" Sydney asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"More than what we saw at the quarry?" Arianna smacked Richie's arm, unsure of the weird feeling she felt. Jealousy? How could she be jealous? Maybe because her crush was flirting with her friend?

"Shut up - just shut up, Richie!" Eddie sighed and rolled his brown eyes, tired of Richie's constant remarks and attempts to flirt with girls.

"My dad would kill me if he found out I had boys in the apartment." Beverly spoke, worry in her blue eyes.

The teenagers looked at each other. "Well, then, we'll keep a look out." Sydney piped up with a smile, and everybody's eyes slid to Richie.

"R - R - Richie, stay here." Bill ordered, and they all got off of their bikes and started walking up the fire escape, leaving Richie alone with his bike.

"Woah, woah, woah, what if her dad comes back?" Richie asked, obviously annoyed that he couldn't go in the apartment with the other kids.

"Do what you always do; start talking." Stanley joked, making Arianna laugh and high five the tall boy as they followed the others up the stairs.

Richie groaned and rolled his eyes. "It is a gift!" He sighed in annoyance and slumped back in his bike.


"Where is it?" Ben asked as they all slowly walked in the long hallway.

Beverly had lead the teenagers up into her apartment, where she claimed that she had to show them something. Beverly winced, remembering what had happened the night before. She rose her pale arm and shakily pointed to the bathroom door. "In there..."

"What happened?" Arianna nervously asked as they all slowly walked up to the closed bathroom door.

"You'll see." Beverly answered quietly, started to fiddle with her key necklace.

"You know that 89% of the worst accidents occur in the bathroom and kitchen? And that's where all the bacteria and fungi are... and it's not the most hygienic place?" Eddie rambled on and on.

Bill held his breath before he slowly opened the bathroom door, revealing that bright red blood covered every bathroom wall and every single tile.

Arianna's jaw dropped at the sight. It was like something out of a horror movie. There wasn't one clean spot in the entire bathroom. Gags and groans erupted from the kids. It definitely was disgusting.

"Do you guys see it?" Beverly nervously asked, cringing slightly at the ugly sight. The red head had hoped that her friends would see it, for her own father didn't even see it.

"Yes." Arianna breathed out, her disgusted eyes scanned the blood - stained walls and tiles.

"My dad didn't see it. I thought I was crazy." Beverly continued, feeling some source of relief.

"Well, then, if you're crazy, then we're all crazy." Ben said, also examining the scene.

Bill took a step further into the bathroom. "W - W - We can't leave it like this." Everybody looked at each other and nodded as they knew what went through everybody's minds.


"That's the last bag." Arianna announced after tying a knot in the garbage bag that was filled with only blood and bloody paper towels. The brunette looked around at the clean bathroom, as did everyone else.

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