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I enter the bar only to be met with the smell of cigar smoke, sweat, a hint of some air freshener and fallen beer. I walk over to the bar, order a beer bottle while in one hand holding up my fake ID. I'd gotten the ID made shortly after I ran away from home. It had my real first name just different last name, and I was a year older.

Once I am holding the cold drink in my hand I sit on the stool and look around the room. It seemed like a typical bar setting, you had a pool table, chairs and stools and then some restroom doors and music playing over the speaker yet not loud enough where I couldn't hear what the person at the end of the bar was telling the person next to them.

"Get off of me" I hear a feminine voice strongly say and when I look around the room I can immediately tell who said it. I look around the room to see if anyone was going to help the girl who was struggling under some drunk guys hold.

I stood up not about to let him keep his hold on her and it seemed I wasn't the only one who had the same idea.

"She said get off" says a brunette beating me to the punchline

"Mind your own business, princess" the drunk guy said as he turns to look at the brunette in annoyance

"Didn't anyone ever teach you how to treat a girl with some respect?" I say joining in as the guy obviously didn't seem to want to let go of the redheads arms and it didn't seem anyone else in the bar was willing to help

"Didn't anyone teach you to mind your fucken business?!" The man shouts angrily

I reach for my pocket knife thats in my jean jackets right front pocket. Yet before I can the brunette punches the guy in the face taking everyone by surprise. I walk over to the redhead and make sure to move her away from the drunk who was holding his face in shock that he had been punched.

"I'm Odette" I say to the brunette as we sit down at a high rise table waiting for the redheaded girl who we just saved to come back with drinks

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"I'm Odette" I say to the brunette as we sit down at a high rise table waiting for the redheaded girl who we just saved to come back with drinks

"Hayley" the Brunette girl responds

"I didn't know what you two liked so I go some beers" the girls returns to the table with three bottles and placing them on the table in front of us

"Thanks you didn't have to" I say as I take the bottle just as she sits down  on the third stool

"It's the least I could do"

"Who was that guy anyway?" Hayley asks, making me nod my head wanting to know what was the guys problem

"That's Eddie, he's a regular customer here. Its said that he's very abusive in his relationship so it makes sense that once he is drunk he also gets handsy"

"You work here?" Hayley asks making me notice the girls name tag on her apron which she had placed on the table, it read 'Linda'

"Yeah, I was ending my shift when Eddie got all handsy. Its really nothing" Linda says trying to make it seem like it was normal

"So this has happened before?" I ask only for the waitress to nod her head, which makes me get mad "why don't you do anything about it?"

"His brother is the mayor and well... I want to get out of this town and this jobs helps. Going up against Eddie will erase any chance of me leaving this shit show"

"To you getting out of this shit show" Hayley says as she raises her beer bottle making the rest of us do the same


Im in the woods taking a short cut when I hear the sound of someone panting and what sounded like to be in pain. I look around and soon find someone leaning against a rock wall while holding their leg which seemed to be bleeding. I run over to them as they were about to remove the stick from their thigh

"Don't! If you remove it, you will only make it bleed faster" I say before taking the bandana adorning my wrist and tie it around her leg

"You don't have to help" the girl says in pain making me look up and see that I know her. She was the only other person who stood up for the redheaded waitress at the bar a few days ago

"Well I can't let you bleed out" once I'm standing up I look around to listen to our surroundings "are you running away from someone?"

"No" she says but I could clearly see what she is telling me a lie, so I don't push my luck as I just wanted to help

"Come on I know where we can get supplies for this" I say as see her uncertainty making me place her hand over my shoulder so I can support her as we walk "as you can see I wont take no as an answer"

"Alright" she says as she holds on to the strap of her backpack and starts to walk and lean on me

I took Hayley over to Ali who I knew would have supplies for Hayleys wound. I make sure to let Hayley wait outside while I gather the supplies

"Ali!" I shout as I see them walking over the nurses desk

"What are you doing here?" Ali asks in surprise as they lean in to kiss me

"Well.. I need a favor" I say with a nervous smile as I tuck in their long hair behind their ear

"What do you need"

"Just some gauzes, alcohol, and maybe a needle and a thread" I say hopeful knowing they could get in trouble but it was important

"Oh your so getting me fired Odette" Ali says making me smile as I keep look out as they gather the materials

I kiss Ali goodbye and make my way back to Hayley who still looked in pain. I honestly thought she would have left by now but thankfully she didn't. I take her arm and place it over my shoulder once again so I can support her. We make it back into the woods and get ready to remove the piece of wood which was still imbedded in her leg.

After Hayley had no more wood stuck in her leg. We sat around a fire as the sun had already set as we decided to wait until we part ways

"You're like me aren't you?" I say as we sit around the fireplace, Hayleys looks up from looking at her wound which was smaller than it previously was. She placed back down the gauze before looking at me

"Considering you haven't freaked out that my leg is almost healed. There is a good chance I am" Hayley says creating a moment of silence making me then speak up in a somber voice

"Your bones break every full moon, you feel your eyes change and you start to get fangs. Every time that it happens it hurts more than the last. Yet every full moon a part of you is taken by surprise that it's happening again"

"It all gets easier once you are in a pack" Hayley says from experience meaning she has a pack while I don't know much about being a wolf

"Right, cause lone wolves tended to die faster?" I say as that bit is something I just knew growing up

"I'm guessing you don't have a pack?" Hayley says curiously 

"No, I don't. Good thing I'm not dead yet" I say with a smile

"Well if you're interested, I'm headed up to my pack. I am certain the Alpha will take you in as they took me in" She offers making me think about it. If I do go with her then I'd have to leave Ali and my some what stable living space here. Yet I knew that if I stayed I would never learn about what it means to be a wolf, or meet other people who were wolves.

A/N: very short chapter but happy holidays

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