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"Hey! It's not Jazz Fest! Some of us have toddlers who need to sleep!" Hayley shouts from the balcony of the apartment at a group of musicians that are playing jazz music on the corner of the main street. I quickly walk out towards the balcony in panic

"Sorry!" I shout at the musicians as I push Hayley back inside the apartment where Hope stood crying in her play pen "Hales, hey. Whats wrong?"

Hayley returns to unpacking and cleaning up, with a groan she responds just as Jackson walks into the apartment stairs and looks at her with a concerned smile "she was having a really nice nap until that stupid music woke her up. How... How are we supposed to live with all this noise?"

"You're just sensitive to it, okay? We spent six months as wolves in the Bayou. We've been back a day. I think it's okay to take a minute to adjust" Jackson says gently making me wait for Hayley to burst out and share her feelings, which she does

"Easy for you to say! You're not half-vampire. Everything for me is heightened. It's not just the noise. I'm claustrophobic. My skin is crawling. I'm irritable. I'm hungry" Hayley says just as Hope starts crying again and Hayley looks clearly overwhelmed with everything around her.

To help her adjust I take a crying Hope in my arms and rock her so she can quiet down. "Hales, you just feel off okay? How about you and Jackson go out and spend the day together. I'll stay here and unpack"

"Odette is right, ima take you out for the day" Jackson tells Hayley making me smile as i won the argument


Soon after the married couple left, I started to use my vamp speed to unpack what I knew could have a home. As I was packing and Hope was playing in her playpen my phone started to ring making me stop and answer it.

"Hello?" I answer without looking at the caller ID

"How would you like to join me to meet an old friend" Klaus voice booms through the end of the speaker

"What old friend?" I saw curious as to why Klaus would invite me to meet some old friend

"Lucien, it seems he has gotten himself in some trouble with the police" Klaus says making me think of what Cami had told us of her helping the police and her having Lucien as a suspect

"Cami?" I say with a sigh as she could be the only reason Lucien a thousand year old vampire would be at the police station


"I'll be right over" I say as I run my hand through my hair as I walk over to my room to pick up Hope's dipper bag and then back to where Hope stood in her play pen "just make sure Freya is okay with babysitting Hope"


"I'd have thought your time with me would inspire a more careful selection of company you keep. We're leaving" Klaus says as he opens the interrogation rooms door, where on the other side sat Cami, Vincent and who is meant to be Lucien.

Cami quickly stands up from her seat and walks towards us as we enter the interrogation room.

"Klaus, he says he knows who the killer is!" Cami states making me turn to face the two as they are going to start one of their many arguments

"Whatever Lucien's said to you today has most certainly been a lie" Klaus tells Cami having yet to look at Lucien

"Oh, come on, Nik! Why should I lie?" Lucien scoffs from his seat behind the desk, making Klaus walk towards Lucien and glare at him

"For the same reason you lied about avoiding a werewolf bite when Elijah saw it with his own eyes? This ends now" Klaus says referring to the werewolf bite Jackson had given him the night of the full moon while they were in search for Hayley. A werewolf bite which Klaus did not cure

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now