𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ♛

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Mystic Falls was a place Odette never thought she would willingly return to but if there was anything Odette had learned over the years was that there wasn't anything she wouldn't do for her kids. The mother of three Mikelson children stood on the grounds of the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted, with a smile on her face looking around at the bundle of students in school uniforms having an amazing time

"Looks like she's fitting right in," Alaric says walking over to the hybrid making them both look over at Hope who was talking to two other kids her age that are supernatural like her

Alaric was right, Hope was fitting in but it was her sons that she was worried about as they had gone into the school alongside Hayley, not wanting to go anywhere alone even if they did have each other. "It's the boys I worry about. Honestly, I think this is what she's always wanted. A normal life, friends her own age"

"Well, the kids here are pretty great. You know, they're accepting, eager to learn. You know, we just try to keep up. Teach them discipline, compassion...ethics" Alaric says but Odette couldn't take him seriously and so she jokes

"Magical potions, spell casting, broomstick riding"

"Yeah, well, there is some of that. I've just spent a lot of time with supernatural people who were never comfortable in who they were. These kids... these kids will do better" Alaric admits just as Hope waves to her mother, making Odette happily wave back


With the kids settling at the Salvatore school Odette was going to return to New Orleans but when in town she had felt like leaving. The reason she felt like leaving was the necklace she had kept in a box for the past five years, she was ready to proudly wear it once again. So Odette got Freya to do a locator spell on a map, giving the hybrid the means to travel to Europe in search of Klaus.

With a duffle bag across her shoulder, Odette walked out of the airport only for it to be midday when she arrives in France. While she was tracking Klaus she had decided for Freya to do a locator spell on Elijah knowing Klaus must have been close by. The map told her that Elijah was in France as of a couple of days and when her feet touched the ground of France, she could feel both Mikaelson brothers close by

 The map told her that Elijah was in France as of a couple of days and when her feet touched the ground of France, she could feel both Mikaelson brothers close by

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So with her phone in hand, Odette called Hayley walking down the streets knowing the sun was just rising back in New Orleans, but a promise was a promise.

"What's France like?" Hayley asks from the other end of the phone

"Considering I just arrived," Odette says with a smile on her face looking around the city through her sunglasses lense "it feels like no place I've ever been to. I wish you would have come with me, I am certain there are many bars in France that we could drink dry"

"Maybe next time Janie" Hayley replies with a laugh, the two women keep talking for a while longer. For so long they had been together and the last time they were apart was when Hayley was cursed. Now they were thousands of miles apart and it was their own choice.

With night falling Odette makes her way towards a bar as it was the only public place Elijah had been in for a while. It's a place that Klaus had yet to visit to see how his brother had adapted to civilian life

"Odette," Klaus says stunned that she was standing in front of him with a warm smile

"Hi Nik"

"What are you doing here?" Klaus asks walking towards Odette noticing the pendant necklace she wore and he couldn't help but smile.

Even with their kids on the other side of the ocean, he couldn't help but be glad that she was there by his side. Even if he didn't have his sisters and brothers to keep him sane he knew Odette was the reason he could be happy

Odette wraps her arms around Klaus, and with a smile says, "You owe me a visit to the Hermitage. Seemed like the perfect start of our new chapter"

 Seemed like the perfect start of our new chapter"

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A/N: and now we are officially off to book 3 ... if you have anything you wanna read about on book 3 definitely leave a comment

*for those of you just reading im thinking about rewriting this story but like as in scrapping the characters and plot, would yall be interested??

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