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Hayley and I were walking down the sidewalk of the streets of the French Quarter on our way towards the Lafayette Cemetery

"Hey, Davina. It's me. Odette and I, um, are running a little late, actually, but I should be there soon." Hayley says into the phone leaving Davina a voicemail but before she can hang up, I see something in the nearby window

"Look they sell honeysuckle" I say as I point at the store catching Hayley's attention as she takes a look at the window, catching a glance at the guy behind us who showed a particular interest in us and who we both recognized from the Strix party

"On second thought, we'll be a little longer" Hayley says into the phone and hangs up the phone as we walk down the street and cut through an alley full of abandoned construction equipment.

We make sure to hide and let an empty paint tin roll across the floor making sure that once the man dressed in black stops it we can attack

"You're not very good at tailing people, are you?" Hayley asks once we vamp speed behind him and once he hears us he vamp speeds behind us

"My talents lie elsewhere" the vampire says making Hayley turn around to take a swing and just before I can hit the man dressed in black another one shows up taking a hold of me

"Good to know someone is good at tailing people" I say as I get ready to get out of his hold by putting all the of my weight to the ground and flip him yet when he is on the ground he pushes me away with his feet and stands up quickly as I regain my balance

On the side I could hear Hayley struggle to fight making me realize that we could only have one of our stalkers alive, killing mine was going to be the easiest as he didn't seem as strong as the man Hayley was fighting. So once we were both on our feet I run up to him and with a little bit of force I jump so I can be able to wrap my legs around his head and throw him on the ground and as we both fell I reach into my boot and take out a knife which I make sure goes through the vampires throat

Once I got up from the ground and throw the dead body off of me I look over to see Hayley's vampire unconscious on the ground and with a werewolf bite. As I hid a dead body, Hayley takes a hold of the vampire and we both decide to call Marcel to meet us at his fight gym


Marcel joined us at the vampires' fight gym at St. Anne's Church where we had our main stalker from earlier tied to a chair with rope and still was unconscious as a result of the hybrid bite and Hayley punching him unconscious.

"You might remember him from that pretentious excuse for a party" Hayley tells Marcel referring the Strix masked party at we all attended in which Marcel became a member of the Strix

Marcel looks at the man for a moment before responding, "Shen Min. 800 years old. According to Tristan, he was a torture consultant for Genghis Khan"

"I don't care if he's a Gemini who likes long walks on the beach, Marcel. Why was he following us?" Hayley asks with her arms crossed wanting answers

"I don't know" Marcel replies as he keeps his eyes on Shen

From beside Hayley I speak up asking, "Do you at least know why they sent two of them out for us?"

"There was another?" Marcel questions not understanding where the other Strix vampire was at as he looks up at me

"Don't worry I killed him while Hayley bit this one" I say as if it was nothing

"You killed him?" Marcel asks making me nod my head slowly not understanding the problem "Where did you leave him?"

"That's the least of our worries" I say knowing that some dead body on a roof was no ones worries for the moment "Do you seriously not know why some Strix members were ordered to follow us?"

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now