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Davina, wearing a formal black dress, was being fussed over by several witches in one of the tombs. One of them twisting her hair into a mature looking up-do, while others are preparing her for the event. All while Hayley, Jackson, and I stood in front of Davina, confused as to why we were in the tomb in the first place.

Davina holds out two different-colored thick ribbons in her hands as she addresses the only wolves in the tomb, "I have to pick one-- orange or purple?"

"Did you seriously call us here to play Fashion Police?" Jackson says disbelieving that Davina had just asked us a question about fashion

Davina soon becomes overwhelmed by one of the witches who holds a round incense call hanging from a chain so the smoke wafts towards her and makes it swing back and forth in front of her face

"Okay, I know this is sacred oil, but can we please not do that right now?" Davina says irritably making the witch move the oil from her face "Thank you"

The witches then leave the room so we can privately talk, making Davina look at us as she had chosen to go will the orange ribbon making her wrap it around her neck and she look at us "Sorry. Thank you for coming"

"Like we had a choice, Davina. Either we do your bidding, or you blow out that candle of yours and turn us back into wolves. So, we're pretty much your slaves" Hayley says with a roll of her eyes as she didn't like the idea of being on a leash

"I'm here for moral support" I say making everyone in the room turn to look at me "on both sides so come on. Hales let's hear Davina out"

"What do you want?" Jackson speaks up definitely not wanting to be in the tomb

"This is my first Cadeau as Regent. Since I represent the city, the covens have to pay tribute to me, and I throw them a party. I need them to respect me, but this is the first public event since..." Davina says nervously and guilty meaning she wasn't able to finish her sentence

"...Since you had me kill those witches in the 9th Ward?" Hayley finish for her and I don't correct Hayley as if she wanted to take credit for the witches death's I wasn't about to take that from her. Especially since I am certain Davina doesn't know that I had taken part in killing the ninth ward

"I have a feeling it might not go so well, especially since Van Nguyen blames me for what happened to his mom. He vowed to get back at me. Actually, he said he would erase me. I mean, who even talks like that?" Davina says as in her tone of voice a hysterical tone could be detected meaning it was clear that her nerves are unravelling from the stress of the Fête de Cadeau festivities which translates to the Feast of Gifts

"So, you want us to be your bodyguards?" Hayley says making Davina stand to her feet

"Look, I know that you're not exactly thrilled with me right now, but if I die, that candle's magic dies, too. And then there's nothing stopping you from changing back into wolves" Davina says which sounds like a threat and no brainer as to what we were going to do but it still didn't feel right that she was becoming like the ancestors

"Well, why don't you stay with Davina, and I will check out the crowd?" Jackson tells Hayley making me look at them to see a very unhappy Hayley as her husband walks out of the tomb to do just as he said

"Don't worry we'll keep you alive" I say knowing that amongst Hayley's annoyance she wouldn't let Davina die

Hayley lets out a sigh as she looks at Davina while wrinkling her nose once she notices how truly ugly the orange ribbon around her neck was, "But, if you wear that awful orange scarf, you'll wish that we hadn't"

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now