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For the past few months I would visit Hayley with Hope out in the Bayou on every full moon, at times Elijah would tag along. On the nights when it wasn't a full moon I would at times join Freya at a party or club out in town. During the days I would be by Hopes side, and when Klaus was free he would join us as well. Cami would at times come over to the compound as she was still acting as Klaus therapist, and so during those hours I try to be out of earshot not wanting to listen in.

When Elijah would be in the compound he would ignore Klaus the best he could as he had yet to forgive an unapologetic Klaus. Rebekah had yet to return to New Orleans as she was traveling the world in her witch body searching for a way to bring Kol back from the dead. Rebekah did keep her word, she would mail me books she finds throughout her journey, the most interesting one I've received so far is one that is filled with prophecies that powerful seers have written.

Marcel seems to be thriving as he has his city back, he now controls the Quarter. Marcel has also converted St. Anne's Church into a fight gym where he tests the mettle of those who wish to join his vampire community. Which Elijah seems to enjoy his time there as well as he joins Marcel for sparring.

Freya other than being a cool drinking buddy has tried to help me find a way to undo the spell placed on the Crescent wolves, yet no luck. I don't try to ask Klaus knowing he wouldn't. I don't ask Davina as she is now the regent of the witches of all covens who all have a new rule; witches don't help vampires. She won't even help Marcel by creating daylight rings, so when I do visit her I check up on how she is doing. Most of the times I take her food and we don't talk about anything supernatural, or at least we try.

Yet while the world seemed to be mad at Klaus. Him and I over the past months have gotten closer, and not just in a physical way. Its almost as if we are in a relationship, just neither one of us have asked or questioned what we are.


"Niklaus?" I shout as I walk into St. James Infirmary only to be met with a display of artwork surrounding the room. I look around the room and recognize most of them. I spin around the room with a smile, not having been in an art show in a long time. This was amazing and I already love it

"Odette" Klaus says making me stop looking around the room with a smile and turn to face him as he stood across the room from me in the second room where the bar was at. Over the months Klaus has decided to let his hair grow and I may have drunkenly told him one day i thought he looked hot with his curls, and i do not regret the words slipping from my mouth

"What is all of this?" I say with a smile that didn't want to leave my face

"I'm allowing you a private tour... of my exhibition" Klaus says as he spreads his arms wide and gestures around the room at all of the paintings as he walks towards me with a nervous smile

"An exhibition, why now?" I ask curious as to why he was now going to put his art pieces in display, especially pieces that I had yet to come across

"I spent the better part of a millennia trying not to draw my father's attention. And now he's dead, and all those who stood against me have been vanquished... I see no reason the fruits of my labor should go unappreciated" Klaus says making me turn away from him and look at a painting "Have I offended you?"

In a way he did, I still had conflicted feeling on Klaus getting Dahlia to curse Hayley, Jackson and the pack. I was glad that they weren't dead along with me but I was annoyed that they also weren't by my side. With a sigh I reply back not wanting to ruin the perfect moment "No, no um. Forget about it"

"Oh. Well, then, perhaps you prefer to escort me to tomorrow's opening?" Klaus asks with a smile that I couldn't help but return and stand on the tip of my toes, warp my arms around his neck and kiss him

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now