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Klaus had ran out of the bathroom once Cami's name left Odette's lips knowing that if something was wrong with Cami then Odette would keep being in pain, or at least that how he understood her powers. Yet once Klaus walked into Cami's room he found something that he could not fix, as there was no heartbeat left.

At the sight of Cami laying on the bed with her through slit, dried blood on her neck and in one hand a knife, Klaus broke down

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At the sight of Cami laying on the bed with her through slit, dried blood on her neck and in one hand a knife, Klaus broke down. He couldn't believe that one of his only friend and someone he had promised to protect was now dead. Klaus started to break furniture left and right, making a mess of the room and once there was nothing left to break he stood standing before the bed with tears in his eyes as he couldn't help but blame himself for Cami's death.

Odette in the other room was cleaning her mouth as it had been a good minute since she stopped throwing up blood. Odette quickly picked up her pants from the floor and put them on before walking out of the room and towards her old one. She entered the open door only to see something that broke her heart. Klaus standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by broken furniture, Cami laying on the bed with a slit throat and blood all around her. Odette quickly makes her way towards Klaus and pulls him into a hug making him burry his head into her neck as in the moment she was his anchor. 

Odette didn't know what to say, so she kept tightly hugging Klaus as her eyes rested on Cami's dead body. A Gasp is heard in the room making the couple pull from their embrace and look at the only other body in the room. The couple are faced with an awoken Cami who was sitting up on the bed, holding her throat and looks around the room with wide eyes. Cami finally notices that her hand, which rested on her healed neck, was wet making her look down only see her hand and chest coated in blood. Cami looking horrified meets Odette and Klaus' eyes.

"Klaus...Odette?" Cami says weakly not trusting her voice as she had yet to process what had happened. Odette grabs a blanket and hands it to Klaus who wraps it around Cami's shoulders as she sits on the edge of the bed

"Tell us what happened" Odette says calmly and softly as she sits next to Cami

"Aurora...She did this to me" Cami responds, Aurora had compelled her to take a small vile of her blood and slit her throat, as realization to what happened to her makes her start to sob and her voice becomes weaker "I died. Im dead"

Odette wraps her arms around Cami's shoulder knowing that coming back from the dead is not an easy thing to do, especially when you had no control over it.

"But you will not stay dead" Klaus speaks as all concern for Cami is replaced with furry towards Aurora "She will pay for her actions, I swear to you-"

Cami suddenly doubles over in pain and groans, "Ahh! Ohh, what's happening to me?"

"You're transitioning. You need to feed on blood soon, or you will die... This time, for good" Klaus informs the blonde as she starts to whimper in fear and exhaustion.

✓ KILLER QUEEN² ☾ 𝐊.𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now