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I had woken up to find that my arm itched like a bug bite would feel. So I tried my best to ignore the itch as there was nothing on my wrist. Hayley had gone out to the Bayou to find Jackson and ask for him to return back home as it was almost Christmas and she wanted to stop being so far apart. Hayley being out in the bayou allowed me to spend some alone time with Hope as if nothing weird was going on with me. When I was with Hope there was no intense feeling and there was no worrying about everything that has been happening for the past weeks.

Hayley returned to the apartment and told me the good news of Jackson returning for Christmas. Yet soon later Hayley received an urgent text from Jackson telling her to meet him at the Mikaelson Compound. This made me grab Hope and the diaper bag while Hayley grabbed the stroller. We both knew it was something urgent as Jackson has voiced his dislike of the compound many times.

"Hey, I got your text. What happened?" Hayley says as we walk into the courtyard, where we are met with Freya weakly laying back on the couch with a makeshift sling wrapped around her arm. Hayley walks to Freya side as I park Hope's stroller to the side of the couch

"She got jumped. Three vampires, all dressed like yuppies" Jackson say as I kneel next to Freya to take a closer look at her wounds and how badly she was hurt

"The Strix?" I ask as the cult comes to mind as the only possible assailants who were vampires, hold a grudge over the Mikaelsons and dress like Elijah

"Yeah. She needs your blood" Jackson says making Hayley, who was sitting the closest next to Freya, quickly offer her bloody wrist. Freya drinks and sighs in relief as she gains strength, recovering from the attack

"You okay?" Hayley asks Jackson as Freya keeps feeding making her husband nod his head. Hayley then looks up at Jackson with a smile "Kind of hard to ignore it when someone needs your help, huh?"

Yet before Jackson can respond Freya lets go of Hayley's wrist and suddenly looks panicked as she starts to become aware of what happened to her, "They took it. The Serratura"

Freya then groans in pain and frustrated as she starts to unwrap the makeshift sling, making me sit on the sofa next to her, worried as to what could now happen, "I was meeting with a witch from the bloodline who built the lock. I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible. She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it. We have to get it back and lock something else away. Anything but my family"

"Great. Then why don't we just pay Tristian a visit and ask him really, really nicely for it?" I say while I start to scratch my wrist once again feeling the irritation only for my wrist to become red with lines of where my nails had dug in to my skin

Suddenly Elijah walks into the courtyard joining us wearing a very somber expression, "I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem"

Elijah looks over to the entrance to the courtyard just as Rebekah walks into the room, looking pale and tired. I look over at Rebekah happy yet worried as to what was wrong with her and what the problem was

"Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen" Rebekah says with a smile

"Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen" Rebekah says with a smile

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