♛ 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞

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Odette had felt this pain before, only a few things were different this time around. She wasn't surrounded by witches holding her down as they placed her an alter at night. She wasn't alone, this time she had Hayley standing next to her instead of lying dead in the Mikaelson compound. This time she knew that no matter how loud she screamed, Niklaus wouldn't come barging through the doors.

The room consisted of the hospital bed and next to it were machines that Odette was hooked up to measure her heartbeat. Two little beds for the babies, a washing station, cabinets, a television, and a window that had the blinds closed as it was dark out. A nurse was in and out of the room gathering supplies as well as just making sure everything was comfortable enough for Odette. 

Laying on the hospital bed as she wears a gown bunched over her stomach and with her legs prompt up and a blanket over her, Odette tightens her grip on Hayley's hand as she feels another contraction. Odette had a machine wrapped around her belly like a belt to measure her contractions while also recording the twin's heartbeat.

"Just breathe," Hayley says calmly as it was the only thing she knew what to say but of course it was the wrong thing to say

With annoyance and anger Odette snarky remarks, "what.. do you think I am doing!"

A doctor walks into the room walking over to the bed to read Odette's chart. He had already met Odette and Hayley which is when he stupidly made the mistake of asking where the father was. He then learned that Odette was a mean type of women in labor with threats that didn't seem harmless.

Having been told how dilated Odette was and having read that she is expecting twin boys the doctor makes his way over to grab some gloves,  "Okay, it seems we are ready to have twins!"

"If you say we for things I'm supposed to do one more time I will hurt you so badly you- ahh!" Odette shouts as the doctor was right, she was ready to give birth.

"Now since you are having twins you have to be ready to push after the first, sometimes the second baby takes longer to come out other times they quickly follow the first," The doctor explains not once fazed by Odettes threats as he had to focus o...

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"Now since you are having twins you have to be ready to push after the first, sometimes the second baby takes longer to come out other times they quickly follow the first," The doctor explains not once fazed by Odettes threats as he had to focus on delivering the babies

The three nurses prepare the room for the birth while also getting prepared while putting on a gown and gloves. One nurse holds Odettes prompted up leg while the other stands next to the doctor who was sitting down in front of Odettes legs.

"I am going to need you to push," The doctor says feeling that her cervix is nonexistence and that one of her boys was very low in her belly

Having pushed for an hour Odette finally was able to set eyes on one of her babies. The doctor tells Odette how the other baby boy was yet ready to be pushed so they would have to wait till he was ready and if not they would have to induce the labor. Odette doesn't listen as she just keeps her eyes on the little baby that a nurse was holding

"Where are they taking him?" Odette asks as she felt her heart race as last time someone held her child after she had given birth she died and believed that was the last time she would see her baby girl

"Just to clean him up," Hayley says but with the fear Odette was showing, Hayley, wipes away sweat on Odette's forehead while pushing away some strands of hair as well. Fixing her hold on Odette's hand "Look at me, he is going to be perfectly safe. You need to focus on the next baby"

"I will be back soon to check up on you," The doctor says as he goes to talk to one of the nurses so she can re-inform Odette of what he had said but was certain he didn't hear her. Yet since Odette had taken her eyes off of her baby she listens in to the conversation.

The doctor walks out of the room, and the nurse walks over to explain to Odette and Hayley what was happening. Since the baby was still not ready to leave her belly, they would have to wait for either hours for it to happen naturally or induce labor. But overall her son was safe and out of harm for having stayed longer in her belly

In the end, they had to induce her pregnancy as four hours had passed, there were no changes and a new day arrived. Once again after her baby was taken away by the nurse, Odette couldn't help but have an ache in her heart. The fear that being in a hospital, Hayley next to her and being clocked Odette felt like it wasn't enough to keep her babies being in taken from her.

Hayley sees the distraught look on Odettes face making her catch her attention by giving her an update on Hope. Since they had decided to stay with Odette's family during the first few months of the twins being born, Cleophus cloaked everyone while also putting a protection spell over the house. Hope was at home being taken care of by Aaron, Odette's father, who were strictly told not to visit the hospital as to not bring attention to themselves. All while Cleophus was in the midst of creating bracelets for the twins so they wouldn't be able to use magic while wearing it, just like Hope's.

The nurses finished their job making them all leave Odette with her newborns, while telling her to call for them if she needs anything.

"Have you settled on names?" Hayley asks Odette looking down at the baby she held as she sat on a chair closely placed next to Odettes bed

Odette sat up on the bed with one of her twins laying on her chest. During her pregnancy, she didn't give much thought of what she would name her sons. She never found a name that just felt right, but now having held her boys Odette believed she knew their name.

"Matthew Jax Mikaelson," Odette says looking down at the baby in her arms and then looks over at her baby in Hayley's arms, "and Spencer Monroe Mikaelson"

A/N: i think i'm now set on the names...

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