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"If you find him, don't hesitate" Klaus says to the other person at the end of the phone call just as Odette walks towards him which Odette presumed he was had been talking to Elijah. 

Hayley, Klaus and Odette were all at a diner in the Appalachian's before they head for a hunt. After Klaus had figured out that the person Kayla killed was no random attack, and Odette returned from walking the teen to her trailer the three began to formulate a plan. One which did not involve taking a toddler to hunt down Kingmaker offices and dig up some dirt  

"Hope is in good hands. She fell asleep as soon as Mary started the car. I doubt she'll miss either of us over the next few days" Odette says with a small smile as she takes a hold of Klaus hand which rested on counter wondering why he had a gloomy expression 

"So..." Hayley says catching the couple's attention as she looks down at a piece of paper ripped out of a small notebook that had in black ink a list of addresses on it "which of these Kingmaker offices should we hit up first? There's ten of them?"

Odette took one look at the list in Hayleys hold and then up to Klaus who was still looking at her with a gloomy expression making her take a good look at him to know that he was worried making Odette ask, "What's wrong?"

"Lucien has revealed his true nature. He's taken Freya" Klaus informs the hybrids making their eyes widen in shock "And now, it seems her rescue depends on Elijah working with my ever-reliable brother Finn"

"Oh... you want to go back to New Orleans to lead the hunt" Odette asks yet it leaves her lips as a statement making Klaus hesitate for a moment. He was torn between the two different missions and although Odette tries to mask her disappointment she nods in agreement "You should go. Hayley and I will stick with Kingmaker, Lucien's working very hard to cover up these wolf kidnappings and we need to know why"

Hayley reaches for the keys on the dinner counter and folds the list ready to leave while Odette reaches for her coat that laid on the counter. Klaus doesn't want to leave after seeing that Odette was hoping they could stick together, gently grabs Odette by the wrist to stop her.

"No. The wolves, Freya's abduction... it can't all be coincidence. We'll let my brothers pursue the obvious path" Klaus says with a smile weakly at her, and Odette looks surprised yet happy by his reaction "You and I-"

"And Hayley" Odette interrupts with a smile making Klaus sigh

"And Hayley... will pursue this one. No doubt all roads...Lead to the same treacherous bastard" Klaus says with a smirk 

Lead to the same treacherous bastard" Klaus says with a smirk 

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The three hybrids had made their way to a new Kingmaker Land Development office in Tennessee. They park their car in the abandoned parking lot and get out of the black car and walk towards the familiar looking building.

"Does he just build these from a kit or something? It's the exact same for the last five offices. Same windows, same plants..." Hayley says in disbelief that all the offices they had come across all had the same architectural design not one was different 

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