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December 9th, 2014

        I went up to the Home, pausing briefly to read the plaque they had mounted on the wall.

        Brighter Future Home, founded in 1996. Our aim is to give children the Brighter Future they deserve.

        I allowed myself to feel pride at the fact that I would soon be joining them in that quest, I would soon change a person's life. I smiled wildly, entering the building and going towards the reception. Brighter Future Home had an interior that lived up to its name. The left side of the room was painted a peachy pink, adorned by a mural of a rainbow. Written as an arch above the rainbow were the words Smile! A brighter future is coming! On the right side, which I assumed was were the more older children were placed, the wall was painted bright blue, nothing adorning it. There were 5 doors in the left side of the room and 5 doors on the right side.

        Right in the middle was a reception with a young receptionist sitting at the counter playing with a bunch of pins. There was a staircase behind her which I assumed lead to more rooms for the children. I walked towards the receptionist and she gave me a beaming smile which immediately made me feel at ease.

        "Good morning!" She exclaimed, her voice tinkling like a little melody.

        "Good morning!" I answered, smiling at her.

        "Is there a particular reason for your visit?" She asked me and I understood why. People visited homes for many reasons and the main reason, as my mother told me, was to complain on issues such as child abuse. I shook my head, bringing out Annie's letter.

        "I am one of the volunteers for Christmas. My name is Elaine Preston and I am looking for a woman named Annie?" I said to her and she beamed once more.

        "Excellent! I am Suzie, the receptionist and consultant for the Brighter Future Home. Anne is in her office upstairs. Just walk on up and it's the first room on your left. The door is a bright purple, it's hard to miss it." She informed me and I grinned, thanking her. I walked up the stairs as she had instructed and sure enough the first room on my left had a bright purple door. I composed myself a bit before knocking on the door.

        "Come in." A very melodious voice said from the inside and I found myself wondering if the Brighter Future home somehow gave all their workers magical melodious voices as I entered. Annie, who looked exactly as I pictured her motioned for me to sit. I guessed she was around 65 years old, with surprising long hair framing around her face. She had on a bright pink dress, which would have seem silly as it was Winter, but it seemed perfect enough for her. She gave me a smile as she left her paper work and directed her attention towards me.

        "I'm Annie Richmond, my dear, and you must be Elaine Preston." She spoke and I nodded smiling.

        "Yes ma'am." I answered, though it really wasn't necessary.

        "Please, call me Annie. Now, I understand that you did volunteer for this on you own accord, but I must warn you. The hours could get hard and demanding and work here is not all easy. Would you be prepared for that?" She asked me. I touched the dove before looking at her directly in the eye.

        "All my life I have been looking for a chance to help in any way I could Annie, no matter how demanding the work get, I am prepared for it." I answered back truthfully and she smiled touching my hand.

        "Most student volunteers usually admit they're doing this for a good CV." She admitted to me and I shook my head so forcefully, a headache formed.

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