First Gift

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December 10th, 2014  

      "Hey, Grace? Do you want to go shopping today?" I asked my friend who I was pretty sure was half asleep.

        "Of course. Meet me at the shopping center like 2pm, too early to talk." She hung up. I laughed knowing Grace would be at the mall at exactly 2pm as she always kept to her word. Mum had already gone out, she was currently at the court, fighting a case about child custody. I spent the morning watching a movie until I left my house ready to meet Grace.

        True to her word, Grace arrived at exactly 2pm and linked arms with me immediately dragging me towards Starbucks.

        "So how's the whole volunteering thing?" She asked me as we waited in line.

        "Possibly the best decision I've ever made in my life." I replied which caused her to roll her eyes. My best friend always said I was too nice for my own good which I guessed was true in a sense. But I just couldn't tolerate any one suffering next to me, I wasn't a push over.

        "Well it's good, you doing what you love." We were at the front of the line now and we ordered.

        "That's actually why we're here today. Erm, you know the secret Santa thing, I got my person yesterday and I don't know what to get him." I opted to use the word "person" because I knew Grace would never let me hear the last of it if I told her about Devon.

        "So get him a toy car or something." She said grabbing both our orders and leading me out of Starbucks.

        "I don't think he'd like that." I told her, and she rolled her eyes.

        "Isn't he like 6?"

        "He's more into the artsy stuff I guess." I dodged her question.

        "So, get him something artsy." She said and that's when my eye caught a little porcelain dove that was sitting in the window of a shop. I quickly diverted us into the shop and grabbed the dove.

        "What does that have to do with Art?" She asked me and I grinned as we queued up to pay for it.

        "I am giving him an inspiration." I replied and she looked at me as if I'd gone crazy but didn't question it. After being dragged into several stores by Grace, she finally decided it was time to call it quits and said by to me. I headed straight to the Home, my shift not starting for two more hours. I creeped around to make sure nobody was seeing me before I got out the wrapped dove. I dropped it on the front mat before knocking on the door and hiding away.

        I saw Annie come out and pick up the present, looking for the source. She soon gave up and went back inside.


        After aimlessly wandering around, I finally went inside the Home for my shift. I sneakily looked at Devon and smiled.

        I was right, the dove did give him inspiration, his latest painting being one of a dove taking flight.

        I sat in a circle with the children who insisted that I should read them a book which I didn't protest to. I loved reading with children because they were always engrossed in whatever you read to them and they seemed to truly enjoy it.

        "Who wants to pick the book?" I asked and of course they all said they wanted to.

        "I know! We can read Devon's book!" One of them said and I turned to him. Devon, who was painting in the corner of the room, turned towards us.

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