Hospital visit

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December 15th 2014, Sunday


        "Alright, thank you Annabelle. I'll inform them." Annie was currently on the phone to Elaine's mum. It was around 6pm and ElaIne usually came for her shift at 2pm. When 2 hours had passed and the other volunteers had all come and Elaine hadn't shown up, both Annie and Suzie started getting worried.

        The children were already panicked, Ellie asking me where she was and the rest bugging Annie or Suzie about it.

        After the volunteers went home for the day, and Elaine still didn't show up, Annie had tried to get in contact with her mum to find out what was wrong. Annie sat down the children and she looked tired herself.

        "I don't know if I should be telling you all this, but Elaine requested for it and thought you guys should know." Annie said and that's when I started thinking that maybe she was going to stop coming.

        "Doesn't she want to work here no more?" Sophia, one of Ellie's close friends asked, voicing out what I was thinking.

        "No it's not that Sophia, I'm afraid Elaine was rushed to the hospital yesterday." Annie disclosed. I wasn't the type of person to easily get scared, I've been through enough horrors and lived through them to get scared easily. But as Annie revealed that Elaine was in hospital, I couldn't help but think the worst.

        "Is she okay?" I asked, not knowing what compelled me to. They all knew me enough to know that I never voiced out my feelings and I tried to be distant half the time.

        But even though I'd only known Elaine for such a short time, I'd gotten to know her and she's certainly found out more about me than Annie and Suzie, even Ellie. Annie looked at me, surprised that I even asked the question in the first place.

        "She's fine, but they are still keeping her under close watch for now. She was unconscious since yesterday, and she only recently woke up about two hours ago and she requested that her mum call me and inform you all that she will be back as soon as she can." Annie said, addressing the children now.

        I sighed, frustrated. Even in hospital, after being unconscious for a long time, she still cared more about others than herself. Typical Elaine.

        "We have to go visit her." Richard, who was quite attached to Elaine, like the other children were, suggested and Annie sighed.

        "I don't know if that is possible Richard. About 21 people in one hospital room might not be a good idea, besides, I don't know if Elaine is ready to have visitors besides her mum." Annie remarked.

        "Elaine wouldn't mind!" Put in Jason, Richard's best friend.

        "Yes Annie, Elaine would love to have us there! I know it!" Tilian, who was next to Jason commented and Annie sighed with patience.

        "I suppose I could give Annabelle a call, but please don't be disappointed if it can't be done." Annie said, looking at Suzie who nodded and urged her to call. She brought out her phone and dialed Annabelle's phone again as Ellie left Chelsi's side and sat on my lap instead.

        She hugged me, and I stroked her hair to calm her down. Ellie didn't deal well with change or somebody she cared about leaving due to her mum.

        "Hello, Annabelle? I am terribly sorry to be calling you at a time when you should be with Elaine, but the children insisted I give you a call and maybe make an appointment to come and visit Elaine, if only for a few minutes." Everyone was silent at this point, waiting for the response, Annie putting her phone on speaker.

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