Christmas Day

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December 25th 2014, Thursday

Christmas Day

9:05 am

        I stare at my ceiling, thinking of all that I have achieved up till now. Starting tomorrow, I would no longer be working at the Home, once December ended I would be off to school and the life I had lived when I was working at the Home would soon fade.

        I would of course remember Annie and Suzie and the children, but I knew it wouldn't be the same. 

        Devon, he was the one I didn't want to think about too much. Now that I knew how I felt for him, it was going to be harder to say goodbye to him, I didn't know how I was going to. My mum had agreed on me going to the party as she knew it was something I had to do.

        I rolled over, not really wanting to get up and start the day I knew would end up with me in tears.

        "Happy birthday and Merry Christmas honey!" My mum said, entering my room with a tray filled with food.

        "I hope you woke up with an appetite." She said, placing the tray on my bedside table and climbing underneath the covers with me.

        "I love you mum." I said, hugging her and tucking in to the food.

        "Thinking about today?" She asked me, biting into a piece of toast. I nodded, looking up at her. I knew I could share anything with her, I just didn't know how to.

        "More specifically about that Devon boy?" She asked me knowingly and I sighed and nodded again.

        "You don't know how to say goodbye to him?" She asked again and I nodded once more.

        "Well, the best advice I can give you is that goodbyes are less painful when they come from the heart."

        "When they come from the heart." I echoed as she got off my bed.

        "Yes. Now finish up your food and get ready for the day. I'm giving you your presents when you come downstairs." She informed me, leaving me to my thoughts.

        I did as she said and quickly got ready before heading down the stairs.

        "Mum, will you drive me to the party?" I asked, entering the living room to find my desk pilled with gifts.

        "I went a bit mad with the presents again this year, sorry!" My mother, who was standing next to my desk apologised and I laughed going to hug her.

        When it came to presents, my mum liked to spoil me even though I told her multiple times that I didn't need much. 

        "You're the best mother a girl could wish for." I said, hugging her.

        "I recommend the present on the top first." She said, handing it to me and I laughed, sitting down on the floor as she placed the rest in front of me.

        "Mother you did not get me an iPhone 6!" I exclaimed, bringing it out of the box.

        "I know, I know, you're not the type to care about stuff like this. But you deserve it!" She defended.

        "But what about the phone I have?" I asked.

        "We shall hand over to charity. I'll sort it all out." I sighed, turning the phone on and leaving it on charge.

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