Let loose in Toys R Us

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December 23rd 2014, Tuesday

        I inhaled deeply before knocking on the door of the Home. Yesterday had been an eye opening day, for both me and Devon. He had told me about his deepest, darkest secrets and I'd revealed the real reason why I made a vow to make everyone happy.

        He had trusted me enough and shown me he finally felt comfortable with me. He had cried in front of me, he had poured out his heart to me, and for that I would feel eternally grateful.

        "You look deep in thought." Devon's deep voice cut through my inner monologue and I finally looked up to meet him. My mother always told me that once you learn something about a person you never knew before, something important to them, the way you view them would be different.

        As I looked at Devon, I knew she was right. His violet eyes seemed lighter and more alive. His entire attitude seemed to have changed overnight, he had his hair swept back from his face and he had on a smile that was very rare from him.

        His whole entire stance seemed different and it gave me a sense of happiness that I'd never experience before.

        "I am. I also need your help." I inform him, following him into the Home and straight to the kitchen. I tried not to admire him too much, but it was incredibly hard to do when I'd recently found out about my crush on him and he'd just told me about his past.

        "On?" He asks, bringing out two mugs and brewing coffee for me and tea for himself. I stand up and lean close to him, looking around in case the subjects of topic happened to wander by.

        "On what to get the children." I whisper to him, then step back, trying to steady my beating heart. He smiled which made my heart beat even faster. Then he stepped towards me and leaned close to me, close enough for his breath to tickle my ear.

        "I happen to know they desperately want a new video game because they've been complaining about not having any." He whispered then stepped back.

        "Hmm. I wonder if I'll have time to go to Argos seeing as I'll be coming here every day before Christmas." I said to myself, already knowing what to get them.

        "Argos for?" He asked, handing me my coffee.

        "A Wii for the children." I replied, already checking the time Argos closes on my phone. 

        "Elaine, you don't have to spend too-"

        "Shut up Devon, they deserve the best. What kind of games would they like, racing games?" I asked him, cutting him off. He sighed, leading me out of the room into the playroom.

        "Yeah, especially Ellie." He answered and I nodded.

        "Great I'll just go to Argos after I finish here." I replied, leaving him in his corner and going over to Ellie.

        "You did incredibly great with the decorations." I said, hugging her and looking around the playroom. She'd gone with the theme of red and silver and the entire playroom was decorated with silver lights, all sparkling and lighting up the room.

        She'd placed the Christmas tree right at the center of the room and had obviously put the most effort on it. She'd draped silver lights around it and topped it off with red and silver baubles, and red and silver ornaments, along with the angel Devon had made.

        She'd also placed a large mat underneath the tree where some presents were already placed.

        "Thank you! Now shoo, I'm working on your present at the moment." She said, covering whatever she was doing.

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