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December 11th 2014, Wednesday

        The children and I were currently in the back garden of the Home. Overnight, more snow had fallen and it was starting to get ridiculously high. The children were neck deep into the snow, but they didn't seem to mind as they ran around having snow ball fights. I was tasked with the job of watching over them because Annie was currently out finalising something for the Home and Suzie was on her day off.

        Which meant me and Devon were currently the only responsible ones. Devon had retreated to his old self, sitting on a chair away from me, sketching. I wondered if he remembered his offer of teaching me art, but I didn't want to push it. Instead, I got out my phone and re-read what he'd reply to my message after his phone had gotten to him.

        I don't need charity. He'd replied and I'd felt horrible. I didn't think of him as a project or anything, I only got him the phone because I knew the Home was currently having some issues with money. They only used their government funded money to get provisions for the children, nothing else, so they couldn't get him a phone. I got him the phone because I wanted to talk to him and learn more about him. I stared at the message, contemplating what to reply.

        I just want to know more about you. I typed back to him, making sure my number was still hidden and sent it quickly hiding my phone back in my pocket. I watched over the children whilst occasionally checking to see if he'd got the message or not. I knew that Annie had told him to keep the phone and Annie was the kind of person no one could say no to. After forever, he finally left his drawing pad and brought out the phone from his pocket. He read the message and typed a response which I received with a loud beep.

        I was glad he wasn't close enough to me to hear the beep. Devon was smart and he would have figured everything out. I gave it ten minutes more before bringing out my phone, first silencing it, then reading the message.

        You don't know me. The message said.

        That's why I want to know more about you, Devon.I replied, getting up and rushing to one of the children who'd slipped and fell on the snow. I checked him over for any injuries before telling him to be more careful and making my way back to my seat.

        However, I didn't get to my seat as Ellie came up to me from behind, tugging on my leg to get my attention. Unfortunately, where I was standing happen to be the most icy part of the garden and I found myself tumbling backwards, ultimately landing with my elbow bleeding. Blood dripped from my elbow on to the snow, and I sighed. Beside me, Ellie was crying and the children had all stopped playing, rushing over to ask me if I was alright.

        "I'm sorry. I just wanted to play with you!" Ellie shouted, starting to hiccup. My elbow was stinging from the cold breeze blowing on to the wound, but I turned to Ellie with a smile on my face to calm her down.

        "I'm fine, I promise." I assured her, hugging her. Although it took some time, she managed to calm down and I stood up, my elbow starting to lose circulation.

        "Maybe we should all head inside now. It's clearly dangerous out here. We can watch a movie and eat some cookies!" I told them and the children rushed inside with excitement. I didn't know whether Devon had replied and I didn't have time to check as I sat the children down on some blankets and put a movie on for them. I headed off to the Home's kitchen, knowing that Annie had made some cookies for the children before leaving. I brought out some cups and filled some with orange juice and some with cranberry juice.

        "You're still bleeding." Devon said from behind me, almost making me drop the carton of cranberry juice. I'd literally forgotten about the wound in my quest to get the children snacks and I winced as my elbow started throbbing to remind me the pain was still there.

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