Paying a visit

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December 19th 2014, Thursday


        The snow was rapidly falling by the time me and Annie made our way towards the address of the woman I had stalked.

        "I really hope you're right about this Devon." Annie said as we got closer to the destination. I guided her until we reached the woman's house and she parked. I stayed behind her as she went and rang the doorbell as we waited expectantly outside.

        I was getting colder waiting for her, partly because of the snow and partly because I was suddenly nervous at whether or not I was correct.

        I had insisted Annie bring me along and she didn't try to protest.

        I stared at the door as it finally swung open, revealing the same woman from yesterday, wearing an apron. I hear Annie inhale as she took in the woman, who looked even more like Ellie than before.

        "You." She addressed me, pointing at me and I grinned sheepishly, not quite sure what to do.

        "Hello. I am Annie Richmond and this is Devon." Annie introduced, giving her one of her special reassuring smiles.

        "I know him very well, he followed me for a long time yesterday, I presume you are here to apologise for his erratic behaviour?" She asked Annie folding her arms as Annie glared at me.

        "No, we're actually here on a different matter. But I do apologise for his behaviour." Annie said and the woman looked at her curiously.

        "What other matter could you possibly be here to discuss with me?" She asked Annie.

        "I believe this matter should be discussed inside, not here in freezing weather. It is quite serious and will explain why Devon was following you yesterday. May we?" Annie asked her, indicating to the inside of the house.

        The woman looked like she was about to disagree, but one look at Annie's serious face made her step aside and allow us in.

        Annie was incredibly empowering that way.

        "We have security cameras installed in the house young man." The woman said directly to me and walked past me and Annie, directing us into her living room. She sat on a couch whilst me and Annie sat on a different one.

        "So?" She demanded and Annie sighed.

        "May we please know your name first?" Annie asked her and the woman sighed.

        "Helen, Helen Davis." She replied.

        "Okay, Helen. I am Annie Richmond, manager and owner of the Brighter Future Home. Are you familiar with it?" Annie asked her and I watched the woman carefully to see whether anything changed about her.

        That was partially the reason Annie had allowed me to come along: she knew how good I was at observing people and my job was to observe Helen and see how her behaviour changed when she mentioned anything to do with the Home.

        Helen sat still, nothing about her facial features changing and to anyone, it would have seem perfectly normal, like she didn't know the Home. But as someone who paid attention to the littlest of details, I managed to see that her legs tensed up and so did her arms.

        "No I am not aware of it, I only moved to Devon a couple of days ago." She informed us and as I glanced around her living room, I could tell she was being truthful. Unpacked boxes were scattered around the room, and a suitcase was placed near the door.

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