Snowy beach volleyball

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December 12th 2014, Thursday

        The children were going on another little trip which they seemed pretty excited for. It seemed that the reason Annie was out yesterday was because she was finalizing for the government to give more money for the Home. It had worked and as a treat, she was taking the children out on another trip. Devon, once again had opted not to go which was pretty sad as I was joining them this time around.

        "Where are we going?" I asked Annie as I helped Ellie button up her jacket.

        "A cabin near the beach. Pretty bad choice for this type of weather but the children have been requesting to go to the beach so I thought why not." Annie replied as she double checked that everything was packed carefully for the children.

        "We're gonna have a lot of fun regardless aren't we Ellie?" I asked her as she stuck her little hands inside her gloves.

        "Lots! I wanna find seashells!" She exclaimed and I couldn't help but grin at her enthusiasm.

        "You're going?" Devon who was apparently behind me said and I turned around, looking up at him.

        "Yep. Ellie wanted me to go so much I couldn't say no." I told him and Ellie giggle beside me latching on to my thumb.

        "We're gonna have lots of fun Devon, please come!" Ellie shouted rushing over to hug him. It was obvious just how much Ellie loved Devon and how much he loved her. Devon looked down at her, patting her hair and then looked at me. He smiled a bit.

        "I suppose I have to come then won't I?" He said and Ellie squealed in happiness, running off to tell Annie that Devon was coming along. Devon looked at me and smiled again before going back to the playroom.

        He emerged a few moments later with an art box filled with supplies. Of course even at the beach Devon would still paint. We ushered the children inside the minibus, doing a head count before we went inside. Suzie was driving and Annie was in front with her which left me and Devon at the back.

        There were only two unoccupied spaces left, right next to each other which meant me and Devon were going to sit together.

        "Do you want the window seat?" I asked him and he shook his head.

        "I get travel sick easily so I'd rather not look out the window." He disclosed so I sat by the window and he sat next to him. He reached into his box and got out his sketch pad which I didn't mind. I was the type of person that liked looking out the window whilst listening to music and use the time to think about a few things.

        Suzie started the bus and the children all shouted with excitement as we pulled away from the Home. Devon was sketching away and I allowed occupied myself to thinking about all that has happened. For one, Devon didn't reply back to my message, but he seemed to be opening up more. Frustratingly enough, when it seemed like he was starting to loosen up, he'd revert back to closing up.

        I'd thought of asking him to continue teaching me art, but after our last conversation, I didn't think he would. But then this morning he smiled at me and we were having a pretty decent conversation up to this point. I sneaked a glance at him and saw that his tongue was sticking out a bit and the wind outside was blowing his hair softly. As usual when doing anything that had to do with art, he was concentrated and oblivious to his surroundings.

        I tapped his arm, and he stopped and looked at me. I gasped, as the sun came out and Devon's eyes were highlighted. The first time I saw him I thought his eyes were just really deep blue and that's why they looked violet, but as the sun shone on them, I realised his eyes were actually violet. I didn't even know it was possible until today.

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