We spent the rest of the day in the apple orchard. I didn't mind. I spent the whole day eating apples, hanging out at my favorite tree, and hanging out with Alkai.
"Ok," he said, "I have to explore all my options. My father really wants me to start hanging out with the other Chosen. So, I'm going to take them all out, then make my decision on who will win."
I was totally ok with that. I know I'm pretty high up on his list because he has hung out with me a lot. But I'm still worried. I could still lose.
The next morning after the orchard, I decided to send my breakfast up because I'm too lazy to go downstairs. Today's breakfast is french toast. I dig in and eat it all before it's even been fifteen minutes.
After breakfast today, we have some free time, so I stay in my PJs for a while longer and take a quick shower. Today's outfit, without my maids, is a gray short sweater dress with long black leggings. My hair is pulled into two dutch braids.
As soon as I'm done, I hear a knock at my door. I check the time. Breakfast must have just finished. When I open the door, I'm surprised to see an excited Lindsey at my door.
"Lindsey, I've never seen you so happy! What's up?" I ask her.
"Prince Alkai asked me out, that's what's up!!!!" she squeals.
"That's wonderful!! I'm so happy for you!!" I tell her.
I really am happy for her.
"I know!! We are going tonight! And guess what?!? Penny's going on a date with him tomorrow!"
"Wow," I say, "talk about trying to rush to finish this competition all of a sudden."
We both laugh.
"I'm so happy for you! You'll have to tell me how your date goes! Just come to my room after it's over and tell me all about it!" I tell her.
"I will do!" she says.
We say goodbye, and she leaves. We meet up later for lunch - sandwiches - but other than that, I don't really see her, or really anyone until dinner.
I just hang out until dinner, keeping the same outfit I had on, on, but pulling on some warm fuzzy grey boots. They are very slick, and I almost go sliding down the hallway on my way to the dining hall. For dinner tonight, it's all sorts of soups, and grilled cheeses made to order. Lindsey isn't here, I assume she's getting ready for her date.
I order an American, cheddar, and bacon grilled cheese, and grab some potato soup.
After we're done eating, we're allowed to leave, so I decide to explore the palace. I go to the library and hang out there for a while. Then, I go up to my room, to hang out there.
It's about midnight when Lindsey finally comes up to my room. I stayed up for her, so I'm tired, but I wait up anyway, eager to find out about her date. I open the door, and she's waiting, almost as eager as I am, outside.
"I have so much I need to tell you!!!!!" she squeals, as she runs inside and relaxes on my bed.
"Ok, if you want to tell me this, sit somewhere else, besides my bed."
"Deal!!" she says moving to my chair.
Hey! How's it going? I have to go, I have plans for once! Bye!!!

The Chosen
Science Fiction{COMPLETED} {SEQUEL CALLED FOREVER CHOSEN} "OMG, mom, what's wrong?" I asked. "You got the letter, I'm sorry sweet, but you've been chosen." I drop my pencil onto my notebook and stand up. It might have been shock or the fact that I stood up quickl...