Lindsey settles herself on my fuzzy white chair, throwing her shoes off with her feet as she dangles her feet over the edge.
"Do you have any food?" she asks.
I point to my bowl of apples that I picked from my favorite tree the day we went to the orchard. I grab her one and throw it to her. She doesn't catch it, so I grab it off the floor and rub it on my pant leg. I toss it to her, and she caught it this time. I grab one for myself and take a seat on my bed.
"Thanks for the apple," she tells me.
"Yep, now tell me all the deeds!!"
"Ok! So first we had a picnic in the movie theater while watching The Best of Me. It was steak sirloin with mashed potatoes, rolls, a salad, and wine! We were allowed to drink wine! It was really good! For dessert, we had a chocolate lava cake! It was amazing! Then, we went outside and hung out by the garden. It started to rain, so we went inside and went into the library. We sat in the alcove full of fluffy pillows and some hot chocolates. When we finished our coco, we ran down the hallway in our socks. We ended up dropping the mugs, which we were trying to bring back down to the kitchen. Then, we went back down to the library. I was cold, so he brought a blanket down to me. I fell asleep on him and when I woke up, he wasn't there and the library was so dark. So, that's why I didn't come up sooner because I fell asleep." she giggles.
"Wow," I say, disappointed that he didn't do any of that with me.
"Yeah, it was fun, but I'm not going to win."
"What are you talking about?! It sounds like you had a great date!"
"We did, but you can see that he doesn't love me. He likes someone better, you."
"So you think you're going to die because of me?"
"I don't care, at least I would lose to you and not like Rhyliegh."
I laugh and we hug.
"Well, I better get up to my room and to bed, I'll see you tomorrow," she says.
"Ok! Bye!" I tell her.
I change into some comfy pajamas, grab a book off the shelf, and jump into bed. Since it's getting colder, I have a sheet, a fuzzy blanket, and a comforter, in that order. I like to sleep cold, so my thermometer is not very high. I read about half of it, then I put my book on my nightstand, then grab my journal. I write about my day, then set it down. Something falls, and I get up out of my bed and try to look for it. I can't find it in the dark, so I turn on my lamp and look. I don't see anything, so I close my eyes and feel around on the carpet. Nothing. I get up, turn off my light, and get into bed. I forgot that I didn't check under my bed, so I get up and turn on my light, then check under the bed. I find a seed. That must have been what dropped. I study it under the light and realize it's an apple seed.
Hi. So hi. I was going to update sooner than now, but I didn't because I was busy this morning. I'm planning to update tomorrow because I want to read my own book tonight. Maybe watch some Full House and eat Nutella. 😂 😂 😂 Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual, I kind of didn't know what else to write without spoiling my plans for other chapters.

The Chosen
Science Fiction{COMPLETED} {SEQUEL CALLED FOREVER CHOSEN} "OMG, mom, what's wrong?" I asked. "You got the letter, I'm sorry sweet, but you've been chosen." I drop my pencil onto my notebook and stand up. It might have been shock or the fact that I stood up quickl...