S.R - Profilers

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"Ouch." (Y/N) hissed as she tried to get out of bed. She rolled over to scold her boyfriend but found only an empty side of the bed.

When she looked up at the clock she saw that it was around ten am. She groaned again as she contemplated just waiting for Spencer to come back. Eventually she found the energy to pull herself out of bed, on the ground she found Spencer's discarded shirt from last night which she pulled over her head and body.

(Y/N) pulled her hair into a messy bun before she started down the hallway of Spencer's apartment as she rubbed her eyes and stumbled. To say they were up late that night would have been an understatement. Spencer had just gotten back from a very long case, meaning the two had to catch up. This then resulted in her being unable to walk properly.

"Dammit Spence, I think you went a little rough last night I can barley walk-" (Y/N) said abruptly as she walked into the kitchen too see not only her boyfriend but who she assumed were his co-workers.

JJ, Garcia and Morgan were all sitting wide eyed in Spencer's kitchen. Morgan was smirking, one side of his face tugged into a smug grin with both of his arms crossed over his chest. JJ had set her phone down in order to keep herself from dropping it out of shock. Garcia however had dropped the fork that she was holding, which made a large clank on the floor. She also had her jaw basically sitting on the floor.

Sure they all had known that Spencer had a girlfriend but none of them were aware that the two had made it to the point in their relationship where she was spending the night. They also didn't know that they were sleeping together, seeing Reid's girlfriend standing in his apartment wearing his shirt was a shock. It was impossible for them to imagine Reid, the baby of the FBI with a girlfriend wrapped up in his sheets.

Spencer turned around when he heard his girlfriends voice but he was too late. She was already standing in the middle of the kitchen, in nothing but his shirt. His mouth was hung open in within seconds both of their faces were flush red. Spencer wasn't sure if he was embarrassed that his friends are seeing her like this or turned on by the fact that she was in his shirt.

When he finally looked from his friends to his girlfriend he saw that embarrassment wasn't the only red emotion he saw on her face. Anger was there as well.

"Um, hi." (Y/N) tried to speak, "I'm going to go put some clothes on." She whispered, still pulling down on Spencer's shirt before she looked up at her stunned boyfriend again, "Honey can I see you for a second?" (Y/N) asked motioning to the back room.

Spencer immediately was shaken from his trance when she motioned to him. He then set his coffee cup down and scurried behind her back into the bedroom. When Spencer tried to grab her hand (Y/N) pulled away until they were behind his bedroom door.

"Babe I am so sorry I really didn't know that they were going to be here." Spencer said carefully, placing his hands on her hips in attempt to comfort her.

(Y/N) shook her head, "It's fine it's fine." She said then looking for more clothes, particularly her clothes. (Y/N) refused to go back into the kitchen dressed in just Reid's clothes, she knew they would never hear the end of that. "What are they doing here?" She asked pulling on one of his sweatshirts and her leggings from the day before.

Truth be told Spencer wasn't really listening, he was watching (Y/N) get dressed, "They came by to see if I wanted to go to breakfast and when I told them no they kept questioning it and asking why." Spencer said, still staring as (Y/N) made her way across the room back to him.

"And when you told them I was here they refused to leave?" She asked, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Of course this was not how she had planned on meeting either of Morgan and Garcia, having already met JJ months prior, but there was nothing she could do about it now. Maybe now Morgan would finally stop teasing Spencer about being so innocent and unable to get a girl.

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