S.R - Drunk

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Requested by @lukeybabe68

(Y/N) ram her hands through her hair, "I'm done." She sighed, her voice low but sure. Tears streamed as she looked up at her boyfriend. They had been yelling at each other for the past four hours, so long that (Y/N) couldn't even what they had stared fighting about.

He sighed, crossing his arms in front of his chest, "Yeah let's just-" He paused to pick his lips, "Let's just go to separate rooms." He suggested, already moving to go into the back room of the apartment.

"No (Y/B/F/N)." (Y/N) said, misty eyes looking up at him. "I don't mean a break from the fight." Her voice now began to shake, they had been together for so long but nothing felt right. For the past six months all they had done was fight, going to bed angry and slamming doors. She just couldn't do it anymore. "I mean from us." As her eyes finally met his she watched his face crumble he processed her words.

"Babe." His voice was broken. When he tried to move towards her (Y/N) only took a step back, afraid that if he touched her that she would fall back uncertainty his spell again. It wasn't that she didn't love him anymore, she just wasn't in love with him anymore.

"I'm sorry but I can't be with you anymore." (Y/N) mumbled, grabbing her jacket and storming out the door of his apartment.

This wasn't a one night kind of thing, they had been fighting for months. Ever since (Y/N) had taken a job at the BAU their relationship had stared to tail spin. It was partially her fault, she was gone all the time for work and when she would get back she would go out to dinner with the team. At the same time he wasn't supportive of her new job, he blamed her for their problems and he refused to let her hang out with anyone but him. The break up had been bubbling for months.

(Y/N) wasn't sure where she was going as she blazed down the streets of Virginia. She didn't want to go back to her apartment, being alone wasn't what she needed right now. So she just drove, going wherever her bod compelled her to go, driving carefully but letting her fingers dance nervously across the wheel of the car.

Hours later (Y/N) was plastered across a bar stool, one arm draped on the counter of the bar. Her opposite hand was wrapped around the glass she had in front of her. Somehow she had ended up at the bar she usually went too after feting back from a case.

"Ma'am is there anyone you want me to call for you?" The bartender asked, trying to grab (Y/N)'s attention even though she was still only staring at the glass in her hand.

(Y/N) looked up when the bartender called her name a second time, "Oh um-" She paused, pulling her phone out. "No I can do it." She slurred out as her hand slipped into her purse to grab her cell.

(Y/N) fumbled for a second before dialing the number of her coworker. The line before a familiar voice awoke on the other side of the phone, "(Y/N)?" Asked Spencer Reid, the team genius, through the phone. When she didn't respond immediately he asked again, "(Y/N)?" This time more concern laced in his voice.

"Reid!" She exclaimed excitedly, "It's so great to hear from you!" They had just seen each other at work today, they had eaten lunch together.

Spencer furrowed his brow, "(Y/N) are you drunk?" He asked, getting out of his bed and searching for his car keys.

"What? No!" She exclaimed loudly, falling out of her stool. "Shit!" She yelled out, barely catching herself against the near by pool table. (Y/N) stooped laughing as she continued to struggle to stand, "Spencer." She whined, her voice barely recognizable through the line.

Reid felt panic rise in his throat. "(Y/N) stay right where you are I'm coming to get you." He said, flying out the door of his apartment. Spencer wasn't sure what was wrong with her but he knew that she shouldn't be out alone and drunk. There was this knot in his throat, the idea of her in a bar made his hand sweat. They both knew that bars were common hunting grounds for killers, why would she make herself so vulnerable?

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