S.R - Bullies Part 2

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The team immediately rushed from their hotel to the police department, having the on call officer ring everyone available unit. Hotch had been the one who had called, his face somehow still stone cold. But there was something in his voice, that was a little more urgent than normal. He was obviously trying to keep it together for the sake of the team. Hotch, Rossi and JJ has gone ahead of Derek, Prentiss and (Y/N) who waited for (Y/N) to get dressed.

(Y/N) sat in the passenger seat on a government issue SUV whole Derek sped down the road with both hands gripping the wheel, her head facing the window while tears continued to roll down her face. Prentiss was in the back seat, her eyes running over the case file as she spewed out information that (Y/N) wasn't really listening too.

Derek flicked her eyes from the road in front of him to (Y/N) curled in the passenger seat. "Hey kid." He said, attempting to get her attention, trying to get her to at least look at him. "We'll find him." There was no confidence in his voice and the hand that patted her shoulder shaking.

(Y/N) didn't say anything but offered Derek a weak smile as they tore into the parking lot of the police department. As they did Hotch, Rossi, JJ and the rest of the Police Force was already running towards their cars.

"Hotch! Hotch!" Derek yelled, jumping from the SUV and stopping their boss. (Y/N) couldn't hear Morgan as he spoke, "What the hells going on man?" Panic was the tone of his voice. Just seconds later Derek was sprinting back to car.

"Morgan what's going on?" Prentiss asked before (Y/N) could even process that they were rolling out the drive way once again.

"Where ever the unsub took Reid they didn't think about turning off his phone." Derek explained to them, "Put your vests on." He instructed them, pointing over his shoulder and into the trunk where they kept all the gear they could need.

(Y/N) felt the weight lift from her shoulders, it became easier to breath. She turned in her seat to grab her vest from Emily, immediately strapping it on and checking her gun and counting her bullets. With one deep breath she let go all of the stress she felt and focused on Spencer.

Derek looked over at (Y/N), watching her face move into game mode. Instead of staring out the window longingly she was looking straight ahead with her face narrowed. He knew that she was going to try and go into the building, but he also knew that wasn't a good idea. Morgan looked into the rearview mirror to make eye contact with Prentiss, whose eyes said the same thing that Morgan was thinking.

(Y/N) jumped out of the SUV before Derek even stopped the vehicle, she reached for her gun as she ran towards the building, "(Y/L/N)!" Yelled JJ who grabbed onto her friends shoulders to keep her from barging in.

"JJ let go!" She yelled, attempting to rip herself from Jennifer's grip.

JJ continued to stand between her and the door, "You can't go in there." JJ hated to be the one to say that to (Y/N). She knew what (Y/N) felt right now, after the many times that Will had been in danger. "You're too close to this." JJ told her while shaking her head.

(Y/N) sighed, her eyes drifting from JJ's face to the building, "We're all too close to this JJ." She told her friend, moving so she could see Hotch, "Aaron please." She begged, her voice cracking under the pressure.

Hotch was taken back by the words that (Y/N) used, never in all of his or working with her had she ever called him by his first name. Of course seeing the look on her face hit home for him, after loosing Hayley he was sensitive to this kind of thing.

"You have to treat this like a normal case." Hotch told her, which only earned him a nod from (Y/N) before each unit stated their way up into the building.

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