S.R - Missing You Part 2

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Half an hour later Spencer was still in the shower, and (Y/N) was still curled up on the couch. She finally had enough, it was obvious that Spencer had no intention of continuing this conversation or fixing the problem. There was no point in staying awake only to be ignored, even if they had agreed to never go to bed angry with one another.

(Y/N) got off the couch with a large sigh, and trudged herself towards the bedroom. She peaked into the room to see if Spencer was still there, the room was empty apart from where his bag was sitting on their shared bed. (Y/N) pulled the covers back and faced away from his side of the bed. But no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't get to sleep.

When Spencer excited the bathroom, dressed in his pajama his eyes immediately caught sight of (Y/N) laying in bed. He narrowed his eyes as he was confused by the fact that she was asleep. Reid had never known (Y/N) to be able to sleep if something was bugging her. But then he noticed her breathing pattern, she was still letting out short spastic breaths like maybe she was still crying. He felt awful, he knew that he was being a mean to her earlier but being stressed wasn't an excuse.

(Y/N) screwed her eyes shut as she felt Spencer dip into the bed next to her, the last thing she wanted was to talk to him. Everything hurt, her head, her chest, and her stomach. She had never wanted to not speak to Spencer so much.

"I know your not asleep." He whispered, still laying a foot or so away from her. She didn't answer him, only sniffled once and pulled away from him. "(Y/N) I'm sorry." Spencer mumbled, against trying to get closer to her.

(Y/N) finally gave in and rolled over. She didn't look up at him, she kept her eyes fixed on the center of Reid's chest. What was she supposed to say to him? He had yelled at her instead of listening to her and her feelings. How after everything they had been through, was he able to say those things to her.

Spencer sighed and ducked his head in attempt to meet her eyes, "I didn't mean it." He said, his voice clearer than ever. More than anything, Spencer wanted her to look at him and tell him that everything would be alright.

"Yes you did." (Y/N) said, bringing a hand to her face to catch falling tears.

Spencer rapidly shook his head, grabbing either side of her face, "No." He said, his voice shaking.

(Y/N) pushes him away, "No Spencer I get it." She mumbled, pulling her arms tighter around her frame, "I know I'm not as smart as you or as successful-"

"I didn't mean it." Spencer said again, his hands still shaking as he tried to just get her to allow him to touch him. He shook his head and pressed his lips to (Y/N)'s collarbone a few times before he pulled back from her.

"Spencer please stop." She said pulling away from her but he continued to snake his arms around her. Her back was flush against his chest as Reid nuzzled his head into her neck.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled against her neck, "I don't want us to turn out the way that Hotch and Hayley did." Reid said, his grip tightening around (Y/N)'s waist. He had seen how the job had torn Hotch and Hayley's marriage apart, that was the last thing that Spencer wanted.

(Y/N) swallowed before she turned over in his arms so her face was against his chest now. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to say to him, everything he had said was still ringing through her ears, it was a fresh sting in her chest.

"I have always believed in you and everything that you do." Spencer whispered in her ear, running his hands up and down her back. "I call you whenever it's late and I'm stuck on a case because your one of the smartest people I know." Reid placed one hand on the side of her face, hoping she would finally look at him.

When she didn't he confined to speak, "I still remember the first day we met, you were reading a case file on your laptop." Spencer said, chuckling slightly. "Of course you shouldn't have been able to get into those files but you did. You had your bottom lip caught between your teeth, your legs crossed like a kid with your laptop on your legs. You ordered a latte that day, with one of those foam leaves on your coffee." Reid told her, his voice gentle and caring.

(Y/N) knew that her silence was killing him, but she just couldn't find anything good to say. Her eyes we still fixed on Spencer's chest as if rises and falls in anxiety, but she couldn't help but smile as he spoke about the day that they had met.

"You came up and asked me how I had gotten access to that file." (Y/N) finally said, "I panicked and started stuttering but you had only asked so you could start a conversation. We talked about the case for half an hour before you finally asked for my number." She laughed, remembering that day.

When they had met his hair was a classic hair cut with a quaff at the top. He kept playing with it, as if he was not used to it yet. Spencer wasn't nervous as they spoke, he sipped he coffee and spoke with his hands as his eyes were locked to her the whole time they spoke. He was only anxious when they went to leave and he finally asked for her number, his hands had shook and he didn't stop licking his lips.

Spencer laughed, his teeth blinding white in the dark setting of their room. When his chuckles died down he spoke again, "I really am sorry." He said quietly, hoping that now she felt better.

"I know." She whispered, her mouth now on his neck.

Spencer then captured her lips to his, a hand cupping the side of her face and the other pulling her body to hers. She dove her fingers into his hair, tossing her body closer to his. (Y/N) hummed into his lips as he started to move his lips down her jawline and neck.

"I promise that I'm going to start spending so much time with you." Spencer grumbled in a low voice against her neck. Of course he had felt bad for leaving home alone for weeks on end, of course he missed her when he was gone but what could he do? All there was to do was make the most of the time that they had, not fight about how much time they had. "I'm going to take some time off and we're to go on vacation." Reid promised, his lips still traveling (Y/N)'s body.

(Y/N) giggles, her head thrown back as she continued to wrap herself into her boyfriend. Vacation never sounded like a better idea, all she wanted was to spend time with him and that would be the perfect opportunity.

"I love you." Spencer said, his lips meeting hers. His hair had fallen in front of his eyes as he tried to continue to shower her with affection.

(Y/N) pushed his head back, "I love you," She said back, wrapping his arms around her back. They two remained wrapped closely together for the longest time, laying and holding each other as if they were afraid that the other would slip away.

Word Count: 1308

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