S.R - CoWorkers

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"Here." (Y/N) said, tossing Spencer his shirt from the night before while tossing her clothes into her hamper, "Are you sure you don't want me to wash it?" She asked him, looking up to see him buttoning a different shirt and tucking the shirt into his dress pants.

Spencer shook his head, "It's alright." He answered, grabbing one of his ten ties that he had stashed in her apartment and placing it around his neck. When he finished knotting the tie he grabbed his messenger bag and phone, "I'll see you at work?" He asked, stepping towards her for a goodbye kiss.

(Y/N) nodded, "Yeah." She answered, standing on her toes to press her lips to his. His lips were always soft, surprisingly since he spent so much time licking his lips, and his hands always seemed to snake around her waist and pull her too him. (Y/N) hummed into his lips, pulling on his tie to deepen the kiss.

After a few seconds Spencer broke the kiss, "I've got to go or we'll both be late." He whispered, even though it was clear that he didn't want to leave.

(Y/N) sighed, "Okay." She replied, pulling away from Spencer. Her eyes trailed on him as he turned from her and started from her bedroom, finding his one way to the front door.

They two had worked together for almost three years now, when (Y/N) had been transferred from an anti-terrorism unit in Oakland. Since she had been so young (Y/N) immediately bonded with Spencer, seeing as they were only a few years apart in age.

But recently the two had been spending more time together than anyone knew. A few months back after a bad case (Y/N) had invited Spencer over to talk things out, one thing led to another and the next either on of them knew it was morning and their naked limbs were tangled up together and their clothes scarred across her floor. This pattern had continued since then.

(Y/N) made it too the office about twenty minutes behind Spencer, since it made more sense for her to be late than him. The elevator door opened up to doorway outside the bullpen and (Y/N) made her way to the desk that she knew as hers, only just across from Spencer's.

"Morning guys." She said, keeping her eyes off of Spencer as to not draw attention to them. Derek was leaning on the corner of Spencer desk, while JJ was clutching a stack of files to her chest hurt next to him. Garcia was sitting in Derek's chair, turning a pen.

Derek smiled, "Morning (Y/L/N)." He said, pushing himself off of Spencer's desk and walking to hers. "Have a fun night?" He asked, a small smirk played on his dark lips.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes, "Oh wouldn't you like to know."  She teased, still sitting with her legs crossed in her desk. It wasn't unusual for Derek to pick sex and hook-ups as a morning topic, especially when he hadn't gotten anything the night prior or if he had and wanted to brag about it.

Derek laughed, not catching the glance that (Y/N) had tossed Spencer, "What about you pretty body, got anybody keeping you up late?" He asked, obviously joking with Reid since Derek had no idea the real answer to his question.

Spencer's face flushed red, knowing he couldn't answer the question honestly. "Derek not today." He said, his voice whiny as he clenched his fists in frustration.

Derek was always teasing Reid about how Derek had never seen Spencer with a girl and about how he never seemed to get any. All Spencer wanted to do was stand up and prove him wrong, but he knew he couldn't. For the past few months it was harder to keep from shutting Derek up, since Spencer had been spending most night with (Y/N).

"Nah come on man!" Derek said, slapping the genius on the back. "I never see you with any girls or even hear about anything. It's not healthy my man, you've got to get some kind of release eventually." Derek explained, trying to sound sympathetic and concerned but only came off as joking and condescending.

Reid's face was bright red, out of embarrassment and out of anger. He was so sick of Derek teasing him about his lack of sexual escapades, hoping that eventually he would realize that he jokes held no real weight.

"Derek how was your weekend?" JJ asked, a smirk now on her lips as she rounded towards her desk across from Derek's.

Morgan's smile brightened, "It's really not appropriate for work JJ." He teased, looking up as if his eyes were running back over the events from the weekend.

"Are you sure about that?" JJ asked, "Because I called you this weekend and you said you were home alone." She pointed out.

Derek's face immediately dropped, and everyone else let out a fit of laughter.

"One weekend out of 52 I'm alone," Derek asked, still trying to tease Spencer about his lack of a sex life. It was Derek's weakness, his ego was easily bruised. "That doesn't even compare to Spencer's lonely nights." Once again he tried to change the focus from himself to Spencer.

He was still teasing, all in good fun. But (Y/N) could feel a burning pain in throat, the need to yell out that Spencer hadn't spent a weekend along for almost six months now.

(Y/N) cleared her throat, "Morgan," She said, catching his and everyone else's attention, "Reid doesn't spend as much time alone as you think." She said, keeping a straight face as she got up from her desk.

All eyes were on her as she passed Spencer's desk, "Oh yeah?" Derek asked, shocked by this information and that (Y/N) knew this information.(Y/N) hummed and nodded in response, not looking up as she slowly made her way passed them all. "And how would you know?" Derek asked, trying to get the information from her.

(Y/N) smirked, glancing at Spencer who was staring at her wide eyed, "Because I've been spending most of those weekends in wrapped up in his bed sheets." She said in a confident tone, waltzing away from the group with a captivating smile

Word Count: 1068

This ending sucked

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