S.R - Crush

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Requested by @lukeybabe68

(Y/N) pulled up next to her brothers house, sighing as she mad finally made the drive from the airport to his house. Derek had insisted on picking her up but she knew he couldn't be sure if he would be home so she took a cab. It had been a long flight from Chicago to Quantico, especially one that was early in the morning.

By the time that she made it out of the cab Derek was already running out the door of his house to help her. "(Y/N)!" He yelled, engulfing her in a hug that lifted her from the ground.

"Hi!" She yelled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "God, I missed you so much!" (Y/N) said to her brother as he let go of her and immediately snatched all of her luggage off the curd and paid the driver. "Derek I can-"

"Your my guest." He told her, keeping her luggage in his hands, "I will pay for your cab, I'm your big brother." Derek said as they made it to the door.

"Your five minutes older than me!" She yelled, shoving his shoulder as she passed him in the door way. Derek smiled widely at his sister, tossing his broad arm over her shoulders.


Derek was taking (Y/N) out to dinner with a few of his coworkers. "Is Penelope going to be there?" She asked, sitting in the passenger seat of Derek car.

"Yeah." Morgan answered, smiling at the fact that his sister was excited to see one of the most important people in his life. (Y/N) had met Garcia a few years ago, and the two had immediately hit it off. They laughed for hour at dinner and had even gone to breakfast together the next morning.

But she hadn't met the infamous Dr Spencer Reid yet, that was who else was going to be at dinner. Derek had worked with the genius for over a decade but (Y/N) has never had the chance to meet him. From her understanding every time the team got enough time off for her to come and visit Spencer went to visits his mother in Las Vegas.

It wasn't the kind of restaurant that had valet parking, those kinds of places were always too fancy for the Morgan family. So Derek and (Y/N) parked towards the back, taking whichever parking spot they saw first before walking towards the entrance of the building.

When they entered the building (Y/N) recognized Penelope from behind in a few seconds, "Penelope!" She said, tossing her arms around the tech analyst.

"Hi!" Garcia squealed, hugging (Y/N) back as Derek finally made it to where she and Reid were standing. "It's so good to see you." Penelope exclaimed as the two girls pulled back from one another.

(Y/N) smiled as her eyes then moved to the boy she presumed to be Dr Spencer Reid. Only he was nothing like Derek described him. Derek had always said that Reid was an awkward genius that sometimes reminded him of a high school boy just going through puberty. But if he was, Spencer was no giving off such a vibe.

He was tall and lengthly for sure, his body was slender but under his purple button down and matching tie it was clear to (Y/N) that he did have muscle. His back was broad but not as defined at Derek's, but he looked like he could hold himself in a fight. On his face he had scruff, which he has probably just begun growing but it matched the hair on his head, long and brushed out of his eyes. This was not the dorky genius that her brother had described, this was a sexy grown man.

When Reid looked up at (Y/N) his tongue darted out to wet his lips, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, I'm Doctor Spencer Reid." He said, not extending his hand to her, one hand hanging outside of his pocket.

His eyes had locked onto her the second she had entered the restaurant, Spencer was glad that she was so focused on Garcia that she didn't notice that he was staring. Derek talked about (Y/N) a lot and had shown the team pictures but she was far more beautiful in person. In the pictures that Derek had shown him she was at least five years younger than she was now, but maybe that was because they rarely saw each other and when they did they didn't take that many pictures or maybe it was because Morgan was too lazy to exchange the old pictures for new ones.

"I'm (Y/N), but you know that." She said, a coy smile playing on her lips. "You are not what I was expecting." (Y/N) said, following the waitress to their table.

Reid scrunched his eyebrows at her, not entirely sure if that was a good or bad thing. "What do you mean?" He asked, not both of his hands jammed into his pockets nervously.

(Y/N) looked around the room and pondered for a second before answering his question, "Derek talks about your team a lot you know?" She pointed out, her mars wrapping around her frame. "He always describes you as a walking dictionary, so I guess that I just always assumed you were a bit more-" (Y/N) stooped as she didn't want to offend him the first time she met him.

Spencer chuckled, his head bowing, "Geeky?" He suggested, pulling her chair out with a smile.

(Y/N) felt her face flush red, "I guess." She answered, facing him at the table now. "I'm sorry-"

"It's alright (Y/N)." Spencer told her, placing his arm on the back of her chair. "I get it a lot." He continued, brining his free hand back to tousle his hair.

(Y/N) took in a sharp breath as he did so, all she could think about was running her fingers through his hair. She tried to snap out of it, this was her twin brothers best friend, she shouldn't be thinking these kinds of things.

For the next hour or so the four of them talk. Derek and (Y/N) both telling Reid and Garcia embarrassing stories about one another. Each time that Morgan would tell a story about (Y/N) she would flush red and try to hide her face from the group.

As the night ended (Y/N) stood up from the table, "I'm gonna run to the bathroom before we leave." She told them, her eyes flashing around the table before she scurried off.

Spencer's eyes followed her as she walked away from the table. A second or so later his attention was grabbed by the sound of his two friends chuckling. He looked over to see Derek and Penelope huddled close and laughing hysterically.

"What?" Spencer asked, trying to keep the blush from running up his face. He knew what they were laughing at, his obvious interest in Morgan's sister.

"Nothing Pretty Boy." Derek answered, trying to keep himself from laughing too much. "It's just really hard to eat my food when you keep making googley eyes with my sister." He said, looking down at his plate with a smile.

"I-" Reid said, trying to defend himself. But there was nothing he could say.

"Just admit that you've got a crush." Garcia teased while smiling at Spencer.

Word Count: 1248

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