S.R - Missing You

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"You've reached Dr Spencer Reid, I can't come to the phone right now! I'm either working, reading or spending time with my girlfriend!" (Y/N) sighed aggressively before she tossed her phone to the opposite side of the couch. She ran her hands across her scalp, hair intertwining in her fingers out of frustration.

Spencer had been gone for two weeks now, on a case in Montana. Usually before either one of them went to bed that night they would call the other, but every night for the past five nights Spencer hadn't answered his phone. (Y/N) was beginning to worry, she began to wonder if something had happened to him. But she also knew that he was fine, or else someone would have called her. So he was just ignoring her.

Truth be told Spencer's job was wearing on (Y/N) and their relationship. She knew what she had gotten herself into but now that they were living together it was starting to bug her. He was rarely home and when he was it was for a night or two before he was off again and it was like his mind was a million miles away.

(Y/N) was curled up on the couch with blankets wrapped all around her and the stuffed bear Spencer had won her at a carnival place tightly between her arms. Her eyes were fixed on the TV, although she wasn't really paying attention to what was flashing across the flatscreen. All she could think about was the right feeling in her chest, that Spencer didn't care enough about her anymore to even call to say goodnight. This lingering feeling had been hovering over her for a couple months now, it was definitely time to say something to him.

As if he has been summoned Spencer came stumbling in to their apartment. His eyes were hazy, hair disheveled and jackets fallen half way down his shoulder. From even one glance at him anyone could tell that he was in an awful mood.

(Y/N) looked over at him, shocked to see him, "Hey your home." She said, not moving from her nook in the sofa.

Reid grumbled before giving her a sarcastic answer, "Good observation." He practically hissed before dropping his bag on the kitchen chair and keys on the counter.

(Y/N) was taken back by his actions. Never in their entire relationship had he ever spoken to her in that tone. Even when they would fight he would remain calm and careful to hold his tongue, they both were.

She swallowed before speaking to him again, more carful this time, "Rough one?" (Y/N) asked, discarding the blankets and stuffed animal before she went to the kitchen.

Spencer was now sitting on one of the kitchen stools. He was leaned forward with his forehead resting on his crossed arms, his hair was draped over his face as if he was hiding from her.

(Y/N) sighed, pouring Spencer some tea that had been in the fridge. When she slid it closer to him he shakily grabbed hold on it but never actually lifted his head to drink it. (Y/N) wasn't sure if it would be alright for her to comfort him, especially when she was getting ready to have a very hard conversation.

What was the point in having that conversation? There was nothing he could do about it, it's his job. The only thing that could change in this situation was her. What if she lost him after this conversation? But she couldn't just ignore how she was feeling.

Spencer eventually looked up and took a few sips of his tea. There was a silence between them and (Y/N) was pretty sure if he listened hard enough he would be able to hear her hear hammering in her throat. Then after he finished his cup of tea he went to leave the room.

"Actually I need to talk to you about something." (Y/N) said quickly, holding her hands close to her chest.

He sighed, running his hands through his hair before he turned around to look at her, "Okay?" Spencer said, he took her outstretched hand before they went to sit on the couch. He took a seat on one side and she sat on the complete opposite side from him, an obvious sign that this wasn't going to be a fun conversation.

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