S.R - Bullies

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Spencer's eyes ran over the case file, surprised that all of these murders were of kids that he knew. He recognized all of the names. Tyler Roberts, Christian Bashier, Alexander Burrows and Marcus Lewis. Reid knew all of them, they had all been on the varsity football team when he was in high school. Each one of them had bullied him as a kid. Swirly, pushing him in the halls and they had even gone as far as to run his underwear up the flagpole one time.

"When was the last time you saw these guys Reid?" Morgan asked, his eyes migrating to the genius's face.

(Y/N) looked over at her boyfriend as well, nervous that maybe he too would be a potential target and wondering if he should have just stayed back at Quantico. She crossed her legs nervously and placed her closest hand on Spencer's leg. He didn't say anything but offered her a soft smile.

"Graduation." Spencer answered, surprisingly not giving a specific date for all four of them. He seemed nervous, probably anxious to go to his home town and because his classmates were being murdered. "They used to bully me." Reid left out the part about how mostly everyone bullied him, in attempt to make himself seem less of a loser.

(Y/N) squeezed her boyfriends leg, not reacting to his comment before turning her attention back to the file. It took everything in her not to go off on a tangent whenever Spencer mentioned how he was treated in high school.

"Okay," Hotch spike in order to regain control of the conversation, "(Y/L/N), Reid and I will go to the office to set up base and figure out a geographic profile, Morgan and Rossi go to the most recent crime scene." Aaron's head swiveled to the girls, "JJ and Prentiss go to the first crime scene. We'll meet back around five at the office to discuss the profile." He said before shutting his case file and standing to get another drink of coffee.


(Y/N) looked over to Reid as he held a marker between his slender fingers while drawing on the board. He had his eyes narrowed, mouth slightly open and his tongue slightly poking from between his lips. She loved watching him work, which wasn't always the best, but that wasn't why she was looking at him. Since they had landed she found herself checking to make sure he was still there, like she was afraid that he would disappear if she looked away for too long.

"You're staring." Spencer said, a smirk laid on his lips as he felt (Y/N)'s eyes digging into the back of his head. Truth be told (Y/N) and Spencer probably shouldn't be allowed to work together, they were infatuated with each other, constantly getting distracted by one another. They always managed to push through it and get work done on time.

(Y/N) blushed bright red, "Sorry." She mumbled, slightly embarrassed.

Spencer narrowed his eyes at his girlfriend of almost a year, setting the marker down and making his way to sit next to her, "Hey." He said softly, fingers dancing over her extremely tense shoulders. "What's up" Reid asked, his hands dropping when she didn't say anything to him.

"Nothing." (Y/N) lied, digging her head further into the case file in front of her.

"You know I can tell when your lying right?" A smile crept across his lips as he left out a soft laugh, hoping to get a better read on his girlfriends mood. When she only gave him a fake smile Spencer felt his heart sink. "(Y/N)-"

"You should have stayed home." She said suddenly, her voice nervous as she tapped her pencil on the table. (Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek before looking back up at Spencer, who was still smiling.

"I'll be fine." He told her, "So far the only people that have been killed are kids who were on the football team, so trust me when I say I'm in the clear." Reid laughed at himself, which earned him an actual smile from her. "Just relax." He encouraged before placing a soft kiss on her temple.


There was a loud banging on (Y/N)'s door, she groggily got up and lugged herself towards the hotel door. It was only four am, who could possibly be knocking at her door? Lifting herself in her toes she looked through the peep hole to see Derek, holding a file in his hands.

"What the hell." (Y/N) mumbled to herself before opening the door, "Derek-"

"The body of a cheerleader from Reid's graduating class was just found." He said frantically, his breath erratic.

(Y/N) felt her blood run cold. So far the killers victims had all been males from the football team, so switching to a female cheerleader was a large jump. Her mind first raced to figure out why the killer would change his victimology, especially this late in his evolution. But soon her concern landed on Spencer.

"Have you talked to him?" She asked Derek, hands shaking. Morgan gave her a confused look, "Spencer Morgan have you talked to Spencer." (Y/N) asked again. When Morgan shook his head (Y/N) grabbed her key card then started running from the room and down the hall. "Spence!" She called, slamming her fist against the door of the hotel room.

Morgan was right behind her, banging on the door along with her, "Reid!" He called in between her chants. Neither one of them noticed as the doors that the other team members were, probably, sleeping behind began to open.

"Morgan." Rossi said, his voice deafening even with all the noise that Derek and (Y/N) were making. Morgan swiveled his head to look at the Italian man whose face was ridden with confusion.

"A cheerleaders body was just found, this guy changed his victim pool and we can't get a hold of Reid." He explained with panic clear in his voice.

The team then went into a frenzy, each one of them racing to grab what information they had on the killer and meeting in (Y/N)'s room. She of course was moving a million miles an hour, looking over everything in order to find any kind of connection.

"Morgan what was the name of that cheerleader again?" Emily asked from across the room from where (Y/N), Derek and JJ worked.

Morgan lifted his head as he flipped through the file, "Alesha Kepnic." He answered, his head lowering when Emily nodded.

"Here's a picture of Alex, Marcus, Christian, Tyler, Alesha and three other girls." JJ said as she held up and picture to the group.

(Y/N) snatched the picture from JJ, realizing she had heard the name Alesha Kepnic one time or more. As her eyes ran over the photo she tried to remember, thinking back to if maybe Spencer had mentioned before.

"Oh my." (Y/N) said quietly, a hand held up to her mouth.

"What?" Morgan asked, a quizative look struck on his face.

(Y/N) swallowed, "Um when Spencer was a kid, he told me about this time, that these kids." She paused to lick her lips, thinking about how she promised she would never tell anyone this story. "This girl, Alesha, came up to him at school and told him that she liked him and to meet her by the flagpole after school." Tears welled in (Y/N)'s eyes as she told the story, she felt like she was betraying him, but she wasn't. This was relevant, "She had tricked him, and she and her friends ran him up the flagpole. It took the whole fire department to get him down." (Y/N) said, tossing the picture to the side with disgust.

Everyone was stunned but it was Hotch who spoke first, "So the killer is killing the people who did this too Reid." He observed, "So whoever it is has to be someone in the school who saw this happen or had it happen to them as well." Aaron continued, his hands landing on the picture as he began writing down the names of the remaining three girls in the picture. Those were potential victims.

(Y/N)'s hand began to slow as she realized that Spencer was no inside of his room, her mind immediately jumping to the worst. Images of Reid being held captive and tortured flashed in her eyes, making her almost physically ill. She hoped that he was just sleeping or perhaps sitting in the lobby reading. But she knew that he wasn't, he wouldn't be reading at four am and he wasn't a heavy sleeper.

This left only one option, "He's gone." Her broken voice barely managed.

Word Count: 1476

Part two coming.....

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