S.R - Desperate

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Working together was hard, (Y/N) and Spencer knew that better than anyone else. When (Y/N) had come to work at the BAU she and Spencer had immediately hit it off. They were friends for six months before Spencer finally asked her out. That was about a year ago, since then their relationship had gone off without a hitch.

Today was one of the hardest days, they had just gotten back from a case last night and expected to be at work all day the same day. Both (Y/N) and Spencer has been itching for sometime together, anytime really.

"Hey girlie," Derek asked from his desk which was just across from (Y/N)'s, "Are you alright?" He finished when he grabbed her attention, she was staring at the desk next to hers, also known as Spencer's.

"Oh um yeah." (Y/N) said, trying to keep her face from turning bright red. There was no way she explain to Morgan what was racing through her mind right now. "Just didn't sleep well is all." She mumbled as she looked down at the stack of paperwork sitting on her desk. Derek nodded in response, then looked back at his own work.

Reid however could tell that his girlfriend was lying. She had spent the night with him, and she slept like a rock up until she shook her awake this morning, why was she lying to Morgan? There was no reason to. Everyone knew that they were together, they had come into work together.

He rolled his chair over to her, and ducked his head down by her ear, "Hey whats wrong?" Spencer asked, placing a hand on her shoulders as he looked at all the cases on her desk.

(Y/N) looked up at her boyfriend, her face suddenly turning bright red as he was closer to her, "I'm fine." She lied to him. Spencer narrowed his eyes at her in attempt to get her to spill her guts. Finally (Y/N) sighed, "You know that you drive me nuts right?" She says, her hands clenching the desk as she pushed her legs closer together.

Spencer raised his eyebrows and brought his hand to his lips, "What?" He asked, trying to get a clear read on her face. (Y/N)'s face was flushed red, her hands were shaking, her breathing insistent and she couldn't stop pressing her thighs together. Reid smirked, realizing that (Y/N) was turned on, "Babe-"

"I can't help it." She whined into his ear, almost pouting before placing a hand on his upper thigh. It had been weeks since they had been able to do anything. They were constantly jumping from case to case so there was no time.

Spencer put his hand on (Y/N)'s, "Trust me I know, just wait till we get home." He whispered before placing a quick on her cheek, careful to not get caught, before he wheeled back over to his own desk.

That hadn't help the growing ache that (Y/N) was feeling, if anything Spencer had only made it worse. Ideas and images were rolling through her mind faster than before. She bit her lip in frustration and blew hot air out of her nose. There was only one day she was ever going to make it through this day, by doing one of her favorite things in the whole world.


Later that day (Y/N) watched as Spencer got up from his desk, rubbing his hands tiredly over his face. She watched him move towards the kitchen place to the side of the bullpen and as he poured himself a cup of coffee, well sugar with coffee.

(Y/N) slipped out of her own chair and stalked towards Spencer. He smiled at him as she came up behind him, she slid her hand over his shoulder blades which made him shiver in response. (Y/N) stuck her tongue between her teeth with a smirk.

"God I love that shirt on you." She whispered to him as she continued to run her nails across his back, something she knew would always drive him crazy. "But I do love it more when it's laying on the bedroom floor." She whispered and placed a kiss on the base of his neck before scurrying off back to her desk, leaving Spencer all hot and bothered.

(Y/N) continued to tease him all day. Roaming her hands across him whenever she would pass his desk, making sure to face away from him when she picked something up, spewing erotic profanity into his ear as she passed and anything else she could think of.

By the end of the day Spencer had to move an empty conference room because she was teasing him so much. When (Y/N) finally found him it was on accident, she was on her way back from Garcia's office. She saw her boyfriend sitting in a chair with his back to the door of the room.

(Y/N) smirked before entering the room and shutting the door behind her, "Hey baby." She said as she caught her boyfriends attention.

"Hey." Spencer said quietly, ducking his head down.

He was quieter than normal, maybe she had pushed it a little to far today. (Y/N) hadn't meant to upset him, she just thought that teasing him would make both of them even more excited for tonight.

(Y/N) bit her lip and took a seat next to him, careful not to touch him. "Spence." She said quietly, hoping that if she apologized that maybe he would forgive her. "I'm really sorry I upset you today I didn't mean-"

Suddenly (Y/N) was being pushed against the table, her legs opened wide as Spencer stood between them. His hands gripped her hips as his lips smashed into hers, mouth open side as if he needed to taste her as much as he needed oxygen.

She lost her fingers in his soft brown curls as she arched her back into him. Perhaps she hadn't upset him today, she had reached her goal. All day everything that he had been doing was driving her crazy, and it seemed that she had been doing the same.

"You have no idea how bad I want to take you right here on this desk right now." Spencer growled, as his long fingers dig into (Y/N)'s hips.

(Y/N) groaned deep in her throat to respond to him, "Your killing me Spence." She whispered as her lips brushed his once again. "Come on lets go home." (Y/N) begged, latching every one of her limbs onto him.

Spencer laughed at how desperate she was, but how could he disagree?

Word Count: 1124

This ones a little rushed and short

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