D.M - Broken Bed Part 1

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"We could use black and white?"

"Or blue and yellow?"

"Black and gold?"

"Now we're just being ridiculous." (Y/N) said tossing her pen down on the planning notebook.

Spencer nodded, placing his chin in the palm of his hand. He sat across from his friend, (Y/N), with his legs crossed and his back hunched.

The two were attempting to planning Derek's birthday party, seeing as the day itself was only a week away. Planning this party seemed to be much harder than the tow had anticipated.

This would be Derek's first birthday since (Y/N) got together almost ten months ago. So naturally she enlisted Spencer, her boyfriends best friend, to help plan the day.

"I think black and white just might be the simplest." Spencer said, falling back into the bed. The two had been trying to figure out the small details, after picking out a venue which would be at Rossi's, for almost an hour.

"This is giving me a headache." She said, dragging her hand over her face in both frustration and anxiety.

Spencer offered her a smile, "You shouldn't stress about it too much." He ensured her, shaking his head. "He's going to love it no mater what."

(Y/N) nodded and took a deep breath in attempt of releasing the pressure on her chest. Reid was right, she was sure that Derek would love the effort but she wanted the day to be perfect.

Derek was out at one of his other properties doing work, so the apartment was open for she and Spencer to plan. (Y/N) has moved in with Derek only about a month ago, she had been hesitant at first because she was afraid of what would happen if they broke up or got into a fight. But Derek assured her that none of that would or could out way the joy of living together.

Spencer pulled a pillow out from behind his back, tossing it away from him. But his aim wasn't very good and Reid ended up hitting (Y/N) square in the face with it.

"Oh my god! (Y/N) I'm so sorry-"

Spencer tried to apologize but it was too late, (Y/N) had already picked the pillow back up and threw it back at him. She had a wide smile across her face that resembled that of a child as she threw the pillow back at her friend.

"Oh it is so on." Reid said, pulling more pillows out from behind him and throwing them at her. (Y/N) jumped from the bed in order to dodge the flying pillows. She began grabbing missed ammo from the ground and throwing it back at Reid.

Their laughter filled the air as the two continued to act like children as they threw pillows across the room. But that was interrupted when Reid jumped across the bed to move around the flying pillow and landed on the bed. A loud crack came from the frame of the bed.

The sound made both (Y/N) and Reid stop dead in their tracks and looked at each other in pure shock. Reid got off the bed slowly and looked at (Y/N) with fear but it also looked like he was trying not to laugh. (Y/N) and Reid made eye contact once again before they both erupted in a fit of laughter.

The laughter died down a minute of so after, "I've got to call Derek." (Y/N) said as she wiped her tears from her eyes, the kind that are a result of laughing so hard.

(Y/N) dialed her boyfriend and waited for him to pick up, "Hey babe, what's up?" Derek responded cheerfully through the line.

(Y/N) couldn't help but laugh before speaking to her boyfriend, "Hi honey! Look I'm really sorry but Spencer and I kind of broke the bed." She laughed, realizing that he would either find this very amusing or be very angry about the broken bed. She realized that to Derek she would sound insane, laughing in between words and gasping for air.

The line was silent for a moment. The only sound coming through the phone was Derek's uneven breathing. (Y/N) knew for sure that he was upset with her, if he wasn't he would laugh and tell her it was alright.

"I can't believe you." Derek's voice was hard, and (Y/N) was sure that if she could see him that his brow would be creased and his hands would be clenched.

"Look Derek I'm sorry-"

"No seriously (Y/N), why do you think that's funny?" It was a rhetorical question that she knew better than to answer. She knew that he would probably be angry but she never expected this.

"Derek I'm sorry but it's just a bed-"

"Just a bed? (Y/N) I can't believe you right now!" He was now yelling through his grinding teeth.

Spencer was still sitting across from (Y/N), guilt ridding his chest as he moved in order to try and fix the bed. He then began to apologize over and over. (Y/N) wove him off and mouthed to him that it wasn't a big deal and that he shouldn't feel bad.

(Y/N) pinched the bridge of her nose, "Derek-"

"You know what (Y/N)?" He hissed through the line, obviously still very angry with her and the situation. "I think I'm going to stay at this property tonight and I'll-" Derek paused, sounding less angry and more in pain, "I can't believe you would do this too me so I'm sorry (Y/N) but I can't be with you anymore." He whispered, his voice breaking as he finished his sentence.

(Y/N) felt her chest tighten even more than it did before. Her eyes burned as she turned away from Reid in order to let a couple of tears slip from her eyes as Derek's words sunk into her ears. The like then cut out and (Y/N) let out a small sob.

Reid felt terrible, he got up from his place on the bed and wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s frame. She turned into him and began crying into his shoulders. It seemed unreasonable for Derek to respond so violently about just a broken bed, what was his problem?

Word Count: 1060

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