S.R- 3 AM

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(Y/N) tossed and turned in her bed, moving blankets and pillows in attempt to find a comfortable position. She rolled over to see that it was three am, then groaned loudly. Her eyes wondered to where her phone sat on her best side table.

I can't call him, she thought. That would be terrible, calling her boyfriend this late would just wake him. The last thing she wanted was to wake him up after being him gone for a week on a case. However she knew that if she didn't call him that she would never get to sleep, he would probably be upset if he found out she hadn't called him.

"Dammit." (Y/N) mumbled as she clicked his name on her phone, pressing it to her ear. As the phone began to ring she immediately regretted trying to call him.

"Hell0?" A groggy voice answered through the line. "(Y/N), whats wrong?" His voice raised a little when she didn't respond to his initial hello.

(Y/N) licked her lips, "I can't sleep." She felt worse now, he had obviously had been asleep and she had woken him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." (Y/N) apologized, bitting the inside of her thumb.

Spencer shook his head on the other side of the time, "I wasn't asleep." He informed her, setting down his cup of coffee. "I've been up doing paper work so I don't have to go in tomorrow." Reid said. He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose in order to keep himself awake.

"Oh." She said, already picking up her- well his sweatshirt from the floor of her bedroom. It was fall now, so it was getting colder out. "Well I didn't mean to disturb you, I'll let you get back to your work." (Y/N) whispered into the line, not really sure how she was going to get to bed but she couldn't disrupt him any longer.

"No." Spencer said, his voice quickening in pace. He was afraid that she would hang up on him, "You said you can't sleep, what's wrong?" Reid asked, his eyes no longer looking at his work but focusing on his girlfriends voice. 

(Y/N) clamped her legs together and bit her lip, "I don't know." She told him, rubbing the back of her neck anxiously.

One side of his mouth tugged into a smile as she spoke to him, "I'm gunna be up for a while if you wanna come over and see if you can sleep better here." He suggested.

(Y/N) smiled at the idea but frowned when she realized she would only be distracting him, "I can't distract you like that." She told him, shaking her head but she was already climbing out of bed.

"Just come over." Spencer begged through the line. Sure he needed to get this work done but he had also missed (Y/N) like crazy over the past week. He was hoping that if he finished all his work that he could ask Hotch for some time off and take on vacation. "I miss you." He said, a large smile still on his face of the idea of her coming over. Reid had been stuck into work mode for so long that he hadn't even bothered to change out of his clothes went he got home.

(Y/N) felt heart creep up her face, "Okay." By now she was already half way out the door of her apartment, "I'll see you soon, I love you." She said into the phone.

"I love you, drive safe babe." Spencer answered before he ended the call and looked back down to the pile of paperwork.


(Y/N) tapped her foot outside the door of Spencer's apartment after having knocked, only seconds later the door flung open to reveal her boyfriend. "Spence!" She yelled as she tossed herself into his arms.

Spencer caught her, stumbling back a few feet into his apartment. He was barely able to shut the door behind her as her hands roamed over every inch of him that was in arms reach. By instinct Reid tucked his head into the crook of his girlfriends neck and took in a deep breath of her scent.

"I missed you so much." He answered her, having not seen her in over a week Spencer found himself trying to memorize everything about her.

She only hummed in response, slipping out of his grasp and going towards his kitchen. There was one cup of coffee and one of hot chocolate sitting on the counter, "Thank you." (Y/N) said picking up the cup that looked to have more cream than coffee. She had always thought it was funny how he put copious amounts of sugar in his coffee and she creamer.

Spencer sat across from her, hands dancing across the papers one more time as he looked at her sipping her coffee, "I know you said you couldn't sleep so I figured that coffee wasn't a good idea so I made hot chocolate." He explained, taking a sip out of his own mug.

(Y/N) smiled at how thoughtful he was, "It's very sweet." She said, taking her mug so she was standing next to him. Spencer faced his sleepy girlfriend before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

"You can go lay on the couch or in the bed if you'd like, I've only got a few more pages then we can go to bed." Spencer said, letting her trail her lips up and down his neck. She then began tracing her fingers across his collarbone where he had torn open the buttons of his work shirt and flung his tie across the room.

She hummed again before pulling away from him abruptly, "Okay." (Y/N) said, sulking towards the couch.

Spencer licked his lips and furrowed his brow, something about the way that (Y/N) was acting was off. Calling him in the middle of the night wasn't like her, usually she wouldn't have bothered him. Maybe it was something he had said or done while he was away.

After a few minutes of tapping his fingers across the counter top he looked over at her, "Baby are you alright?" He asked her quietly, very concerned that she was mad at him or something.

"Yeah." She answered shortly, pressing her legs together. (Y/N) ran her tongue over her lips, shifting her arms awkwardly as she tried to find a comfortable position.

"Okay." Spencer answered, not believing her.

A few moments later (Y/N) tossed on her side and placed her hands on the inside of her knees. She let out a long drawn out breath and continued to shift.

Spencer raised his eyebrows, "(Y/N) really what's wrong?" He asked again, his suspicions and concern growing as he watched her squirm on his couch.

(Y/N) rolled to look at him, "Nothing." She grumbling, still unable to find herself a comfortable place to sit. "I'm fine." There was something in her voice that told Spencer that she was lying to him.

Spencer smirked, getting up from his seat at the counter. When he finally made it to the couch he squatted down next to his girlfriend. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as his eyes ran over her body.

"A little frustrated are we?" Spencer asked. His hands ran up and down her legs, palms pushing and pulling her thighs.

(Y/N) sat up and let her face flush red. A shiver ran up her spine as he touched her, "What gave it away?" She asked, tugging her lower lip between her teeth.

He laughed, his arms still dancing across her exposed legs. "You keep pressing your legs together when I look over this way." Spencer explained, one hand squeezing her leg.

"I didn't think you noticed." She said quietly, her head tilting down to stare at his large hands.

"How could I not notice?" He asked, taking one hand off her leg to tilt her chin so she would look at him. (Y/N) almost gasped at the lack of contact when he took his hand off her leg. "And your eyes are dilated." Spencer continued, pecking her lips before continuing. "Your heart rate is elevated." His lips wondered across her neck, feeling her pulse quicken. "And you haven't seen me in a week." Reid continued, his hands returning to her legs.

"Spencer..." Her voice trailed off weakly as his hands laid flat against her upper thighs, pushing her legs apart so he could lean between them.

He laughed at her reaction, his eyes darkening at how desperate she was, "Just tell me what you need." Spencer asked her, "You've got to use your words for me babe." He whispered, his hands now toying with the end of her sweatshirt.

(Y/N) let out a throaty groan, "I need-" She stammered, "Bedroom." Was all that she could manage.

"Close enough." He answered before scooping (Y/N) into his arms. She let out a soft squeal as he did this, both of them smiling and laughing.

Word Count: 1527

This one was cute

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