A.H - Worried

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"You wanted to talk to me?" (Y/N) said, her head peaking into Agent Strauss' office. She knew that this had to be serious, it wasn't every day that one would just be called into the head of Beauro's office.

Strauss looked up from her desk and took her glasses off her face, "Please shut the door." She said, her voice strict. (Y/N) swallowed as anxiety filled her body and shut the door before going to stand in front of Strauss' desk. "Take a seat Agent." She continued, her hand motioning to the pair of chairs opposite her desk.

(Y/N) wasn't sure why she was being called into Strauss' office. She tried to rack her brain, thinking of anything that could have landed her here. She stated to panic, thinking that maybe Staruss had found out that (Y/N) and Aaron has been seeing each other for the past eight months. (Y/N) felt her hands start to shake and sweat as she took a seat.

"What can you tell me about Agent Hotchner's leading style?" Strauss asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

(Y/N) was taken back by how soon she dared to bring up Aaron, "Ma'am?" It came out a a question, unsure if she felt alright speaking to Strauss about Aaron.

"Is there anything about the way that Agent Hotchner leads this team that frustrates you?" She asked, this time making the question more negative. (Y/N) knew that Strauss had a problem with Hotch, using even the smallest mistake against him.

(Y/N) furrowed her brow, "No ma'am." She said, her voice probably a little harsher than it should have been, "I think the way that Agent Hotchner leads this team is effective." (Y/N) spoke, ready to stand their ground.

Erin sighed heavily. She then crossed her legs and let her eyes wonder across the room. She then looked back at (Y/N), "I am going to ask you this one more time." She said, leaning forwards in attempt to intimidate (Y/N), "What is one thing that think that Agent Hotchner could do better?" This time the question wasn't as harsh. She was probably hoping that if she rephrased the question that (Y/N) would crack.

(Y/N) clenched her hand, attempting to hold her anger in. "Agent Hotchner is the best person to lead this team, there is nothing wrong about the way that he leads this team." She then stood up, pressing the palms of her hands against Strauss desk, "If you ask me that question one more time I will make sure that every person in this agency knows that you are pressuring a subordinate to lie in order to profit your political agenda. If you want to fire Agent Hotchner you are going to have to find another way to do it because I will not throw a very good man underneath the bus just because you do not approve of the way he does this job. Just because you are the section chief does not mean that you can hold your power over me or anyone else in this building." (Y/N) sternly told Strauss before storming out of the office.

She made her way through the building, feet moving quickly against the federal issued carpet. Her blood was practically boiling as the conversation reran in her head on loop. How dare Strauss speak to her like that, even if (Y/N) hadn't been seeing Aaron she would be furious. When (Y/N) finally reached Aaron's office she raced inside and within a second the door was shut.

Aaron immediately jumped from his seat as (Y/N) entered his office and stared pacing. "(Y/N)?" He asked, only calling her by her first name because they were alone. 

"That stupid sell centered-"

"(Y/N) whats happened?" He asked, moving to the other side of his desk so he was now standing in front of her.

(Y/N) ran her hand through her hair aggressively, "Strauss." Was all that she could say as Aaron tried to wrap his arms around her. In public he had never been a very affectionate person, but with the door shut and blinds closed he tried to hug her. "She called me into her office to ask me about you."

Hotch's face ran white, all color fell from his face. Surely they had done a better job of hiding their relationship, "What about?" He asked, fearing the worst. If Strauss knew about their relationship than both of them would surely fire them both, take both of their credentials.

(Y/N) laughed, knowing exactly where Aaron's mind had jumped too, "She asked me if I thought there was anything wrong with the way you lead this team." She told him, her hands shakingly grabbing onto his tense frame.

The second Aaron realized what his girlfriend had just said his body was no longer filled with fear but rage. His face was no longer comforting but back to the stone cold one that she only saw inside of their building of work. He didn't take his comforting hand of (Y/N)'s arm but his eyes wondered to his desk as he let out a deep sigh.

"And then what?" Aaron asked, as if this was a case. God how (Y/N) wished that he would be less professional, at the same time she was shaking and crying and he was just trying to get her to calm down.

(Y/N) sighed, "I told her no." She answered, running her hand on the inside of his suit jacket. "And she kept asking." She said, eyes running over Hotch's tie. Every cell in her body was screaming. "And asking." Screaming at her to run through the building and yell at Erin Strauss for being so unprofessional and so incredibly wrong about Arron. "I stormed out of that room so fast." She hissed, one hand moving to play with the nap of hair on the back of his head.

Aaron nodded, pulling her closer to him, "It's alright." He told her, leaving a small kiss on her forehead.

Of course he was angry at Strauss for her actions but beyond thrilled that he had finally found someone who seemed to stand by him through anything. It hadn't been since Hayley that he had found that, but now he had (Y/N).

"Strauss has been after me for years." Aaron told her, still trying to get her not to be so mad. Sure he was worried about Strauss finally finding something to take him down, but he didn't want (Y/N) to worry about it. "Don't worry about it." He instructed her, the smile that she knew made her knees weak flashing across his lips.

(Y/N) let out a small sigh, "Okay Aaron." She said quietly, her body immediately becoming jello when he smiled at her. "But we've got to be even more careful now." Her voice was still quiet, like she was afraid that someone who hear them through the sound proof walls of his office.

Aaron smiled, she was always so worried about getting caught. "You're always such a worrier." He always believed that it was because she was afraid that she would get fired and lose everything and that he wouldn't. She was afraid that he did this all the time and that she wasn't special to him, but she couldn't be more wrong.

"I'll see you later, hmm?" (Y/N) said, still not convinced that everything was alright.

Aaron nodded, letting her slip away from him only to snatch her by the waist as her hand reached to door handle, "You're staying the night?" He asked, his arms slipping around her, his nose brushing her ear and the rest of his body almost pushing her against the wall.

(Y/N) shivered in response, "If you want, what about Jack?" She asked, tilting her head to give Aaron better access as he nipped at her neck.

Aaron smiled against her neck, "Jack loves you, he keeps asking when you'll come over next." He told her, still trying to insure her that she meant everything to her.

"Okay." (Y/N) said softly, smiling at the idea of eating breakfast with the man she loved and his child. "I'll see you later." She said, turning around in Aaron's arms. "I love you." (Y/N) said as she engulfed his lips into hers.

Aaron pulled back seconds later, "I love you too." He answered before stepping back so that when (Y/N) left his office they wouldn't be standing too close together.

(Y/N) gave Aaron one last small smile before she left his office. Her back to him and face professional. As she made her way back to her desk in the bullpen she she saw Strauss, standing at the top of bullpen.

Word Count: 1483

First Aaron imagine! I just watched the Episode where Strauss suspended Aaron which is what sparked this

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