L.A - First Date

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The door to (Y/N)'s apartment opened with her on one side and Luke on the other. He had been running his hands up and down his shirt in order to get any wrinkles out of his shirt that the iron might have missed. Luke's mouth hung open as his eyes ran over his date, trying to find anything in his brain to say.

"You look amazing." He spattered out, reaching to take her hand as she shut the door behind her. He was so amazed by her appearance that he nearly forgot that he had brought her a bundle of flowers and new copy of her favorite book that apparently she had read so many times the cover had recently fallen off. "These are for you." Luke said handing the gifts to her with a soft rose tint to her.

"Oh my god Luke!" She said excitedly, accepting the gifts from him. It had been a couple weeks since her book had ripped, she couldn't believe that he had remembered. (Y/N) smiled, "Thank you," She said, taking his hand and touching his chest lightly, "I like this shirt." She said playfully, starting to lead him down the stairs of her apartment building.

The two continued down and out of the apartment to Luke's car, to which he opened the passenger side door for her. He then rounded the car and stepped into the drivers side, nodding to her before throwing the car ink drive and taking of in the direction of the restaurant.

This would be their first date, after a year of knowing each other Luke had finally asked her out on a date. (Y/N) had spent the past few months dropping hints every time they hung out, in attempt to get Luke to ask her out. Last week he finally had.

"How's work?" She asked, looking over to Luke who drove with one hand draped over the the gear shift. They had to post pone their date from last week to this one because he had been called away for a case.

Luke nodded, "Fine, we caught the unsub last night but he got two more victims before we got him." He said awfully, there was a shiver that ran down his spine as he thought about it.

"I'm sorry." (Y/N) said. She wanted to reach up and comfort him but she knew she couldn't because he was driving. "That sounds terrible." (Y/N) wasn't sure how he did his job day in and day out, just hearing stories made her sick to her stomach. How had he not lost hope on the world?

"Yeah." Luke said quietly, not looking at his date. His mouth became dry as he thought about how all he wanted was not to talk about his job. "Can we not talk about my work please?" He asked, swallowing.

"Of course." (Y/N) said, realizing that there was no way that he wanted to talk about his work on a date, even if they did know each other. "I've got this cadet at the academy that won't stop breaking every rule we have, I think he could be a great agent if he actually learned where the line is." She said running her hands over her face. (Y/N) worked as a teacher at the FBI academy, that was how she and Luke had met. He had been running to Garcia's to get a file when Luke had accidentally ran into her.

Luke scuffed, "That was me." He told her, there was a small smile laid across his lips as he thought back to his time in the academy. Luke had been one of those kids that talked back to his teachers and usually played outside of the guild lines in order to get the tasks out. "I'm really surprised that no one kicked me out."

They both laughed, "I was the exact opposite." (Y/N) said with the shake of her head. "I followed everything to a t, listened to my teachers and shit like that." She said smiling.

They pulled up to the curb next to the restaurant they had agreed on and Luke rushed around the car to let her out. Luke hovered his hand behind (Y/N)'s back as they took their seats. He pulled out her chair for her, then went to take a seat across from her.

"I love this place." (Y/N) said, her eyes wondering with amazement across the restaurant decor.

Luke watcher her for a few seconds, watcher her eyes run over the scenery with much joy, "Foods really good." He said, realizing she didn't notice him warning her. Luke played with his menu with the tips of his fingers as he balanced the menu on the edge of the table.

(Y/N) turned red when she looked back at Luke to see his eyes fixated on her, "Yeah." Her voice was soft and hopeful, "I really like their um-" She cleared her throat, "Their fettuccine alfredo is really good." (Y/N) commented. She opened the menu, which was pointless since she already knew what she was ordering, and let her eyes scan the items.

There was a pause in their conversation, (Y/N) was giving Luke time to decide on what he wanted to eat. After a short time he looked up at her, "I'm really glad I asked you out on this date." He said, setting his menu down in front of him.

(Y/N) smiled, "I am too Luke." She slid her hand across the table to grab his. Luke didn't even look down as he intertwined his fingers with hers.

They continued to talk, their hands still intertwined across the table. It was a wonderful and romantic night that both of them would remember for a long time, and there was no way this would be their only date.

Word Count: 989

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