S.R - Green River

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The walls of the library were lined with bookshelves that were pushed to the brim with loud of literature. (Y/N) ran her fingers across the spines of the books, her eyes darting up and down looking at the authors name. Her mouth was slightly parted and her tongue fit between her lips to fill the space, concentrating on trying to find the exact book.

She was working on her second B.S, this one now in Sociology after already holding a B.A in Criminal Justice and a B.A in Accounting after doing a dual major in those two. In order to get her their degree she needed to pass one last class, Inside the Mind of Serial Killers. It wasn't like she was struggling with the class, school came easy to her, but that she wanted to do really well and knew that she could, which made her so much more determined to do well on this final.

The task, a twelve page essay about the psychology of a United States serial killer of the students choosing. (Y/N) had chosen Gary Ridgway aka The Green River killer. It was easy to find information on him seeing as he killed up to 90 women in his time, his crimes were often used as the basis for tv show episodes and documentaries.

"It's got to be here somewhere." (Y/N) mumbled under her breath, looking for an autobiography by the man who caught Ridgway. She had been looking for it everywhere and somehow this was the only library in all of D.C that had the book. "Finally! (Y/N) exclaimed reaching out towards the book that was two layers on the shelf above her head.

As her fingers grazed her spine the hand of the guy next to her did the same, both of them pulling back when their hands connected. She looked over him, he was a foot or so taller than she and had a slim figure. He was wearing a bottom down with a matching tie and blazer. His hair was brushed across his forehead and tucked behind one of his ear.

"Oh I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, dragging the hand that had touched hers to the back of her neck where he nervously pulled at his skin, his other hand latched onto the strap of his messenger bag that laid slung over his shoulder.

(Y/N) smiled, pulling the book from the shelf and fiddling with it between her fingers, "No it's alright." She paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek. The last thing that (Y/N) wanted was to give up this book, she really needed it for her final, but she didn't want to be rude this this stranger. "I'm (Y/N)." She introduced herself, holding out one hand to wave at him while still cradling the book in the other.

The boy seemed shocked by her action, as if he had been expecting her to just take the book and leave, "I'm Spencer- um Dr Reid- I'm Doctor Spencer Reid, you don't have to call me doctor?" He stuttered, mimicking her waving notion awkwardly.

Spencer mentally slapped himself for being so awkward with her, why was he so incapable of just talking to women? He had come to the library to find a few books to read for the weekend, and he had found a beautiful girl in the isles between the shelves.

He was cute, maybe it was how incredibly awkward he was or maybe his face but (Y/N) felt herself blushing in response to his stammer. "What if I want to call you Doctor?" She teased, holding her younger between her teeth as she leaned closer to him.

Spencer immediately became even more flustered than he had been before, "I um-" He paused to clear his throat and slid his hands into his pockets, shifting his weight between feet. Reid ran his tongue over his lips before speaking again, "I'm sorry again about the book, I'm just checking out books to read this weekend." He told her, again regretting that he spoke because he realized that his words exposed him as the bookworm he really was.

"Oh, I was actually planning on using the book for a college essay." She told him, still feeling bad for reaching for the same book as him. (Y/N) smiled as he mentioned his extreme reading habits.

Reid nodded, "Well you should take it then." He told her, he didn't want to take the book from her if he was just going to read if for pleasure.

"Are you sure?" (Y/N) asked, her eyes darting to the book still fumbling in her hands. As much as she needed to book she still wanted to make a good impression on the boy standing in front of her.

Spencer smiled, "Take it." He insisted, "When you done maybe you can call me- um call and we could- um-"

"I'll call you." (Y/N) said lightly, a silly smile plastered across her face.

Spencer then fumbled to open him bag, trying to find the slot where he kept his cards. "Um here." He stuttered, finally finding a card before handing it to (Y/N).

She smiled, taking the card and taking a mental note at how cute it was that he was giving her a company card and asking her out all in the same few moments. (Y/N) then looked down at the card, seeing that the FBI seal was behind his name.

"You work for the FBI?" She asked, the excitement in her voice could be compared to that of a child at an amusement park.

Spencer smiled, tugging on the strap of his bag again, "Yeah I do, at the BAU as a Behavioral Analyst." He told her, pride laced in his voice.

(Y/N) smiled, "That's really cool." She said, sliding the card around in her fingers. "I'll call you for sure." (Y/N) told him, before turning around and leaving the library, feeling Spencer's eyes on her as she walked away.

Word Count: 1014

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