Red tour is over

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Taylor's POV.

I was humming begin again while unpacking my bag. Since the tour was over I stay in my House that just so happens to be next to Ed sheeran's apartment. He comes over a lot and helps me write new songs. I felt Meredith rub against my leg. I gave her some food and got on Twitter.


Just unpacked my bags and ready to start album 5! :)

After I tweeted I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw my best friend Ed.

"Hey taylor." He said coming in. It's kinda like he lives here considering he's in here more than he's in his apartment.

"Hey Ed what's up?" I sat on the couch next to him.

"I thought of a perfect melody to a new song and I came as soon as I could before I could forget it."
He hummed the melody.

"I love it it's really catchy." He smiled like a boy who just got his present he had always wanted. He turned on the tv and it was on some show that does the top music videos and it was on everything has changed. We laughed because it was so ironic. I watched the video and loved it. I loved the meaning the kids put into it. The way they loved each other was what me and Ed were trying to express.

"So do you miss the red tour?" Ed asked while turning down the volume. I shrugged.

"Well I will miss getting to see all of my fans and watching them sing the songs back to me while I sing but I won't miss getting 5 hours of sleep."

"Yea me too hey do you have any food here?" Since Ed is here a lot I realise what he means by food it means something sweet like sweets.

I have some cookies we could make." He grabbed the package and ate a frozen cookie dough. He offered me one and I happily took it. He put them in the oven and after 10 minutes we ate the cookies and some milk. Ed's phone dinged while we were putting the plates up.

"Oh hey I have to go my manager wants me there so I can record a single."

"Okay have fun." He hugged me and left. I sat down on the couch and pet Meredith. I got bored so I decided to watch some of my old music videos. I watched you belong with me and Love story and quit watching. Since I'm done with the tour all I don't have a lot to do. Everyone is always busy. Selena is working on her new album, Demi is on tour, and Katy is on tour too. Ed so pretty much the only person that's not crazily busy. I got a coke and sat down on the couch. As I sat there I thought to myself "the red tour is over."


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