Ellen show

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Taylor's POV.

We were getting ready for the Ellen show when Ed came up to me.

"Taylor did you tell Harry that were together?"

"Yea why?"

"He was mobbed by fans and they started asking questions and he said that you to are still dating." I got furious.

"What!" I screamed.

"Relax taylor we can clear it all up on the Ellen show." I nodded and continued to get ready.

Few hours later!

"Hi taylor so good to see you!" Ellen said as she hugged me.

"You to your not going to scare me again are you?"

"Maybe." She said with a smirk.

"5 minutes till live!" Someone shouted.

"Okay thanks Max." Ellen said and followed someone else. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Harry.

"Hey taylor so good to see you." He said annoyingly.

"What do you want Harry?"

"Just to let you know that if you say that you and Ed are together I'll make it look like your dumping me." I got so mad.

"We broke up forever ago though."

"Yea bit Ill sat stuff like I still love you then your swifties will hate you." I didn't speak. He was right. If I said that me and Ed are still together the entire world would think I'm a jerk.

"Just think about it okay." Harry said then walked away.

"Jerk." I muttered to myself.

"Miss taylor the show is fixing to start." A camera man said to me.

"Okay." I follows the man and sat down beside Ellen. Harry and Ed came to. Ed sat next to me and Harry was in another couch.

"Hello everyone I'm Ellen and we are here today with Taylor Swift, Ed sheeran, and Harry Styles." The crowd cheered as Ellen said those words. I waved and so did Ed and Harry.

"So taylor I'm just going to cut to it is it true that Haylor is back?" Ellen said. All eyes were in me. Harry sent me a secret death glare.

"Well Harry and I aren't really dating anymore." I could tell Harry was getting mad.

"Really so your never ever ever getting back together?" I laughed so did Ed and the crowd. Harry was still silent.

"Yea he's nice and all but it just wasn't working." The words I said almost made me Puke. I only said it so people wouldn't get mad at me.

"Really Harry what do you think?" I looked at him. He thought through and carefully choose his words.

"You know at first I was upset but I'm good now and I'm happy for taylor guy." I sighed in relief.

"What taylor who is the lucky guy?" I looked at Ed as he smiled.

"It's Ed." The crowd awed as Ed kissed my cheek.

"When did this happen?" Uh oh. Should I say because of Harry. No I'm not. Harry helped me so I'll help him.

"Well I realised that I had feeling for Ed while I was dating Harry but I shook it off then after we broke up I realised that I actually do like Ed." I smiled at Ed and he smiled back.

"So Ed how do you feel about taylor?" I looked at him and he smiled.

"I just knew that she was the one I mean she's beautiful, smart, loving, and my best friend." My heart melted. The crowd awed. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Harry. He was direct almost...jealous.

"Well that is awesome and congratulations to you guys that all we have for tonight goodnight everybody!" We waved good bye and left. I felt someone grab my arm. It was Harry.

"Listen I'm glad that you didn't say anything bad about me but I went on a limb for you I could've said that you were a heartless witch but I said something nice."

"Yea so?"

"So if you get on my nerves or I want you back I'll just tell everybody that you jut used me for a song."

"You can't just blackmail me!"

"Oh yea well we'll see about that." He walked off and I got into the limo. Is he seriously holding this against me? I mean I'm already dating Ed and if Harry says I just used him I'll get hate from Sheerios and Swifties and directioners. I can't take all that hate I just can't. I really hope Harry doesn't say anything.


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