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Taylor's POV.

"Allison look what you got for Christmas!" I said. Allison squealed.

"Look mommy Santa gave me the Barbie Doll I wanted!" She squealed. Allison was 8. We also had another child. His name was Christopher Scott Sheeran.

"Hey Christopher look what you got buddy." Ed said as he sat beside me.

"Awesome look look I got cars!" Christopher yelled. Christopher was 5.

"Mommy what did Santa give you?" Allison asked. Her blonde long hair and Ed's blue eyes made her look so cute.

"Well I don't know can you look under the tree for me Allison?" She nodded and went under the tree.

"Daddy look this car is red and it's got stickers on it!" Christopher said. Christopher had Ed's ginger hair and my eyes which made him look like mini Ed.

"Wow that's so cool buddy!" Ed said giving Christopher's hair a shake,

"Mommy look Santa got you something!" Allison said handing me a big present. My eyes widened. I looked at Ed as he smiled.

"Actually it's from me." He said. I smiled at him.

"Go on mommy open it!" Allison said. I opened it and saw a book that said "Taylor's memories" the cover was the very first picture me and Ed took the same picture that's on my locket.

"Awww Ed!" I kissed his cheek.

"Ewwwwwww!" The kids said. Me and Ed smiled. We loved to mess with them and kiss. We kissed again.

"Eww that's so gross!" Christopher said.

"It may look gross now but trust me you'll do it to when your older." Ed said kissing my cheek.

"What's in the book Daddy?" Allison asked looking at the book.

"It's pictures of me and mom during our years together." Ed said looking through the pictures.

"Oh look Alison there's you when you were born!" I said pointing at Allison in the picture. She looked at it.

"Wow I was tiny." She giggled.

"Hey Christopher there's you on your first birthday." Ed said showing Christopher himself.

"I was bald?" Christopher said shocked. We laughed.

"Daddy can we make s'mores?" Allison asked getting near the fire.

"Sure." Ed grabbed the marshmallows. We started to roast them and ate s'mores.

"This is so good." Christopher said with his mouth full of marshmallows. We laughed. After a while the kids started to play with their toys. Ed got a text. He look at me apologetically.

"I'm so sorry Taylor I have to go do a quick interview for the Christmas radio station."

"Why would they ask you to do this in Christmas?" I asked starting to get sad.

"I don't know I really want to stay here but my manager is making me go I'm so so sorry!" I hugged him.

"It's okay I understand." He nodded and said goodbye to the kids. I followed him outside.

"Call me when your on your way home okay?" I asked folding my arms across my chest since it was cold.

"I will." We hugged for a long time.

"Be safe okay." He nodded. I went back inside.

"Okay let's watch a movie." I said looking through the movies.

"Can we watch Rudolph?" Allison asked. I nodded. After the movie I started to watch the news.

"Breaking news there's been a wreak at highway 42 a ford truck flipped off the road police are there trying to find the driver the interstate is blocked off so be sure to go off of exit 22." The news reporter said. I looked at the truck. It looked just like Ed's. I stopped breathing. I quickly called him and he didn't answer. I jumped up and got my jacket.

"Kids stay here I'll be right back." I jumped into my car and took off. I got there and tons of police. I got out and tried to get near the car when a police grabbed my arm.

"Sorry ma'am you can't go there."

"Please sir I think my husband was in the wreak."

"What's your husbands name?"

"Ed Sheeran." He looked at the clipboard. I started to shake. I couldn't breath.

"No mr. Sheeran wasn't in the wreak." I sighed in relief.

"Okay thank you so much sir." I was walking to my car when I heard someone.

"No please my wife might be in that wreak!" I turned and saw a pale faced Ed.

"Ed!" I yelled. He looked at me. He smiled.

"Taylor!" He ran towards me and hugged me to death.

"Oh my gosh taylor I thought I lost you." He said crying.

"It's okay I thought you were in the wreak." He pulled away.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because the car that was in the wreak looks just like your." He shook his head.

"I caught a rid from Harry."

"Oh well why did you think I was in the wreak?"

"Because I texted you earlier saying I needed you to pick me up and I thought you took my car."

"How did you get a rid here?"

"I asked one of my backup singers to give me a ride." I nodded.

"Let's go and eat some cookies." I said. We rode home.

"Daddy!" Allison and Christopher said jumping into Eds arms.

"Hey!" Ed said. We sat near the fire and snuggled close eating cookies.

"Merry Christmas Ed!"

"Merry Christmas Taylor!" Ed said right before he kissed me.


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