The video

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Taylor's POV.

"Shake it off shake it off." I sang the last verse of Shake it off.

"Good job taylor okay everybody where done for the day have a nice week!" My manager said as he waved goodbye. My phone started to ring.



"Yea who's this?"

"It's Harry come home now!"


"I'll tell you when you get here hurry up!"

"Harry is everything okay is someone hurt?"

"No just hurry!" I ended the phone call. Why did Harry want to see me so bad? I got in my car and went to my house. I turned on the radio and listened to the song. It was anaconda. I love Nicki but I hate that she just wastes all of her talent on that song. After the song came shake it off. I sand to it and after it was over the radio DJ started to talk about my song.

"There's Taylor Swifts shake it off and I just looked and she is the number one song so congrats Tay and well be back after the break." I smiled. I got into my driveway and went inside the door. Harry frantically came to me grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the couch.

"Harry what's going on?"



"Just watch this." He handed me his phone and played he video. It was Ed and Ellie......kissing! After the video ended I was in tears.

"H-how could h-he." I chocked out.

"I know I know." Harry said putting his arm around me and pulling me next to him.

"I thought he loved m-me." I was now bawling. Harry tried to comfort me.

"I'm sorry taylor but I had to show you because he could just do it again and I couldn't let him get away with that." Harry whispered into my ear.

"It's o-okay thank you for showing me." I said whimpering.

"Your welcome and if there's anything I can do for you let me know." Harry said leaning his head on mine.

"Can you stay here like for the weekend?" I asked.

"Yea sure why?"

"I just don't want to be alone." I said snuggling closer to Harry's chest.

"Hey taylor how was the rec- what happened." I lifted my head up and saw Ed. I put my head back on Harry's chest.

"Taylor are you okay?" Ed asked coming next to me and smoothing my hair. I flicked him away. I looked into his eyes and saw hurt ness.

"Taylor what's wrong?"

"H-how c-could you." I cried. His face went from concern to scared.

"Taylor-" Ed began but I cut him off.

"No you listen to me I thought you loved me, I thought you were over Ellie but I must be wrong because none of those things are true." I stood up and started to go for my bedroom.

"Taylor please let me explain." Ed said grabbing my elbow and stopping me.

"There's nothing to explain you love Ellie not me now Harry will be staying here if you don't like it leave!" I shouted and slammed my door.

"Taylor please there's more to it please open the door taylor please!" Ed said banning on my door. I grabbed my phone and headphones and played my music while crying and soon drifted off to sleep.


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